Bursaray Broke Passenger Record on June 14

bursaray broke the passenger record in june
bursaray broke the passenger record in june

14 in Bursaray June 2019 The all-time passenger record was broken with the 300 thousand 402 passengers transported on Friday.

Bursaray, which forms the backbone of public transportation with the total 39 kilometer rail system network connecting Kestel, Görükle and Emek, became the preferred means of transportation every day with arrangements such as additional trips to peak hours and increasing the vertical bus supply lines. Although the weekday and weekends vary, the daily average 280 thousand people used Bursaray, Bursaspor Fenerbahce match played 8 December 2017 on December 293 thousand 846 passenger record, 18 January 2019 on Friday with the number of 295 thousand passengers. After each improvement day, a new record came from Bursaray. 14 where schools are on holiday June 2019 Bursaray carrying 300 thousand 402 passengers on Friday broke the highest passenger record in its history.

Demand is constantly growing

The physical arrangements made at the metro stations, the additional trips to the morning and evening peak hours, the rearrangement of the bus services feeding the rail system lines, stands out as the most important reason for the increase in passenger rail system. Bursa Mayor Alinur Aktas, the improvements made by the increase in the number of passengers, indicating that the improvement of the work with ongoing signaling optimization will decrease the waiting times and 2020 percent of the number of passengers in 45 440 thousand will reach 2018 said. Mayor Aktaş reminded that he had the opportunity to travel directly by metro and learned the demands and complaints directly from the citizens. “I say that our priority is transportation at every opportunity. We have implemented a series of investments such as smart intersection and road widening, not only on the rail system, but also on urban roads. Even with these little touches, international data show that 5 has reduced XNUMX traffic congestion in XNUMX. We are continuing our improvement works on both rail system and road transportation without interruption. ”

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