73 Şırnak

10 M79 Anti-Tank Missiles Seized on Cudi Mountain

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that significant success was achieved in the operations carried out in Cudi Mountain. In the statement, it was stated that as a result of the “GÜRZ-18” operations carried out within the scope of the fight against terrorism, 10 [more…]

Eren Blockade Autumn Winter Operation Started
73 Şırnak

Eren Blockade Autumn Winter-14 Operation Started

To remove the PKK terrorist organization from the country's agenda, to identify its winter base areas, to destroy the caves/shelters/shelter areas they used in the past years and to prevent the members of the separatist terrorist organization from crossing the border. [more…]

Festivals Take the Place of Terror in Cizre
73 Şırnak

Festivals Replaced Terror in Cizre

A music festival was held in Cizre district of Şırnak, where peace replaced terrorism. Minister of Internal Affairs Süleyman Soylu, who shared a post on his Twitter account about the festival, which witnessed intense participation, said, “Peace is [more…]