36 Macaristan

Hungary's Railway Problem

Hungary’s railway infrastructure is in a poor state compared to the government’s investment in new roads. The country is planning to spend HUF 2035 billion (around €1.500 billion) on its railway system by 3,7. [more…]

36 Macaristan

Hungarian State Buys Strabag's Railway Shares

Hungarian Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár announced that the Hungarian state has received approval from the Austrian Federal Competition Authority to increase its stake in Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút (GYSEV). GYSEV has announced that Hungary and [more…]

Train Accident and Injured in Hungary
36 Macaristan

Train Wreck in Hungary: Dead and Injured

A pickup truck crashed into a train in southern Hungary and derailed it. Police announced that there were deaths and injuries in the accident. A train turns into a minibus at a level crossing in the city of Mindszent in the Csongrad-Csanad region of Hungary. [more…]