Foods That Reduce Stress

Stress can occur due to a variety of conditions in daily life. Situations such as a busy work schedule, especially metropolitan life, and spending too much time in traffic can increase stress levels. Expert Dietician Şükrü Can Gülşen provided information on foods that reduce stress.

Pumpkin seeds: The magnesium it contains reduces the stress situation by lowering the cortisol hormone, which increases during stress. .

Blueberries: It is a complete dopamine producer. For this reason, stress decreases and the brain feels relaxed. Since it fights free radicals, it acts as a wall against diseases and protects our body.

Salmon: The n-3 fatty acids it contains strengthen brain development and memory. It does not cause stress because the brain feels safe, and it also lowers cholesterol from beneficial fats and strengthens muscles.

Rolled oats: Due to its very high fiber amount, it provides the happiness hormone that increases serotonin.

Dark chocolate: It increases serotonin by increasing the level of neurotransmitters. In addition, since its fibrous structure and low calories compared to other chocolates, those who want to lose weight can use it in their diet.

Green tea: It contains the amino acid L-Theanine. While this helps the production of dopamine hormones; reduces stress and anxiety. Being a diuretic, it also helps people on diets lose weight by relieving edema.

Red pepper: It is a storehouse of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid reduces the stress factor by reducing the cortisol hormone. Additionally, it protects our immunity and prevents us from getting sick due to its antioxidant properties.

Green Lentils: It improves mood because it is a source of selenium. It is also a source of vegetable protein and is very effective in muscle hypertrophy.

Egg: It increases the secretion of the serotonin hormone due to the essential amino acid it contains, especially tryptophan. It is a rich source of vitamin D, zinc, magnesium and selenium. It should be consumed every day for muscle, bone and dental health.

kefir: Probiotic foods help reduce stress by regulating the intestinal flora. It also makes the intestines work well, thanks to the probiotics it contains.