Young People in Eskişehir Loved 'Good Morning Soup'

The “Good Morning Soup” application was started by Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality for university students who go to school early in the morning on November 19th. Students loved the Good Morning Soup, which is given free of charge every weekday. To date, 16 cups of hot soup have been served to students every morning.

The Metropolitan Municipality continued its social municipality activities for students in 2024. With the coming to power of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ayşe Ünlüce, the Metropolitan Municipality, which has undertaken activities such as subscription cards and night services in transportation, started to serve free hot soup to university students every day at 19 different points on November 3.

Soups prepared with great care by the Social Services Department are offered to students free of charge every weekday.

In the early hours of the morning, staff serves hot soup to university students at the Anadolu University Pharmacy entrance, next to the OGÜ tram stop and at the Hızır Bey KYK Dormitory bus stops.

Having distributed a total of 16 cups of hot soup to date, the Metropolitan Municipality continues its service so that students can drink hot soup in the mornings.