Egepol Hospitals ENT Specialist Op. Dr. Murat Erdoğan, performed with the Piezo method
He said that it is possible to have a functional and aesthetic nose thanks to the closed rhinoplasty operation.
Op. Dr. Erdoğan stated that closed rhinoplasty is a method performed with incisions made inside the nose and does not leave any external scars.
Expressing that the Piezo method provides advantages to patients, Op. Dr. Murat Erdoğan provided the following information: “Piezo is a rhinoplasty method in which the nasal bone and cartilage structures are broken and shaped with ultrasonic sound waves. The Piezo device cuts the bone and cartilage structures delicately without damaging the soft tissues between the bone and cartilage tissues. Performing the surgery with a closed method and using the Piezo device increases the success of the surgery and shortens the recovery period by reducing swelling and bruising. In Piezo surgery, the bruises around the eyes that patients are concerned about before the surgery are minimized. Since Piezo performs the procedure by selecting only the bone tissue, no damage occurs to the soft tissue and veins. It makes the surgery safer and more cosmetic.”
Op. Dr. Erdoğan finally said, “Rhinoplasty surgeries are a type of operation that we frequently perform today. With this operation, in addition to nose aesthetics, we can also treat nasal function disorders such as breathing, bone curvature or flesh growth, and even pathologies in the sinuses. If you have a problem with nasal function or aesthetics, you need to choose specialist doctors in this regard.”