Uraloğlu: We Will Demand the Heaviest Punishment for the Rize PTT Incident

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu expressed that they strongly condemned the heinous incident that took place at the Rize PTT General Directorate. Minister Uraloğlu said, “I wish mercy upon our friends who lost their lives and offer my condolences to their families and the PTT organization. We will be following up on the issue of the most severe punishment necessary.”

Minister Uraloğlu, who visited the family of Ömer Bayazıt, who lost his life in the heinous attack at the Rize PTT General Directorate building, and conveyed his condolences, will attend the funeral prayer for Selim Okumuş, which will be held following the afternoon prayer.

Minister Uraloğlu, who first visited the family of Ömer Bayazit, a PTT employee for 20 years, and conveyed his condolences, stated in his statement here that Postal Distribution Manager Selim Okumuş and Cleaning Personnel Ömer Bayazit were murdered as a result of the tragic incident that took place last night.

Minister Uraloğlu said, “We condemn this incident with regret and vehemence. I pray to God to have mercy on our friends who lost their lives and offer my condolences to their families and the PTT organization. Unexpected deaths are difficult for families to accept.”

Minister Uraloğlu, who underlined that they will be following this incident at the highest level, said, “The murderer has been caught by our security forces. We will be following up on the issue to ensure the most severe punishment is given. May God grant us the opportunity to prevent such incidents from occurring again.”

Following the condolence visit, Minister Uraloğlu set out to attend the funeral ceremony of Selim Okumuş, who worked at PTT for 24 years, to be held in Rize following the afternoon prayer.