University Applications for Individuals Over 60 Have Started in Izmir

Another step is being taken within the scope of the Advanced Age Izmir Action Plan prepared by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. The application process for the 11rd Age University, which will be opened on February 60 for individuals over the age of 3 and will be free of charge, has begun. The 3rd Age University will open new doors to the rapidly increasing elderly population in the city, providing lifelong learning opportunities, while supporting them to age healthily, successfully and actively.

The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is carrying out work with a holistic approach towards elderly individuals in Izmir, whose elderly population is above the Turkish average. Having prepared the Advanced Age Izmir Action Plan last November, the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has begun to implement the plan’s articles one by one. In this context, the 60rd Age University Vocational Factory will be put into operation for individuals aged 3 and over in cooperation with the Aegean Geriatrics Association (EGERDER). The 3rd Age University, which will be opened to support healthy and active aging and to carry lifelong learning opportunities to advanced ages, aims for citizens aged 60 and over to remain both mentally and physically active and to establish a stronger bond with life.
While the population rate over 60 years of age in Izmir is 12,5 percent, there are over 500 thousand elderly people. 100 thousand of them are individuals over 85 years of age.

Free university applications have begun

Applications can be made to the university, which will open its doors as of February 11, free of charge. Citizens who want to register to the university can call the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality's HİM (Hometown Communication Center) number 153.

What lessons will there be?

Volunteer academics and experts will teach students 2 lessons per day, 3 hours, 6 days a week. There will also be applied and elective lessons. The training program includes courses such as Healthy Aging, Common Diseases in Old Age, Psychology, Law, History, Archaeology, Communication, Physical Therapy and Exercise, Palliative Care and Home Care, and Garden Plants, and it is planned to offer applied lessons such as knitting for men, small repairs, cooking, Turkish Folk and Art Music Choirs, Folk Dances, Psycho Drama, and Yoga for women.