Unique Foods to Consume Against Colds!

Precautions to be taken against colds during winter months

With the arrival of winter, it is inevitable that cold cases will increase. Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Burak Can offers important information about nose and throat infections that may be encountered during this period. Colds usually manifest themselves with symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, and sore throat. These symptoms are part of the body's fight against infection.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

In the fight against colds proper nutrition plays a major role. Fruits rich in vitamin C strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to diseases. Foods such as citrus fruits, kiwi and strawberries should be consumed to meet the daily vitamin C requirement. In addition, chicken soup It is one of the best supporters against colds. This soup opens the nasal passages and soothes the throat.

Abundant Fluid Consumption

Drinking plenty of fluids helps the body maintain its moisture balance. Water, warm teas ve honey and lemon water, soothes the throat and reduces nasal congestion. Staying away from alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages allows the body to rest. Warm liquids, in particular, are ideal for easing throat discomfort.

Methods to Combat Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is one of the most common symptoms of the common cold. Dr. Can recommends a solution to relieve nasal congestion. salt water gargle Gargling with half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water can temporarily relieve throat discomfort. However, gargling is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Instead, saline nose drops and sprays can be effective. It is also possible to soothe the throat with lozenges or hard candies.

Suggestions for Babies

To relieve nasal congestion in babies, a few drops of salt water can be dropped into one nostril. Then, the baby can be relieved by gently suctioning with a nasal aspirator. Also, cold mist humidifiers It can reduce congestion by increasing the humidity balance of the environment. Another practical method is to place a bowl of water on the radiator or stove.

Herbal Supplements

Effective herbal solutions can also be used against colds. Echinacea ve black elderberry plants help protect against colds and help you get over the disease more quickly. Teas, tablets and extracts of these plants can be purchased from reliable brands and used. In addition, honey has a cough-reducing effect, but honey should not be given to children under 1 year old.

Alternative Methods

Especially, zencefil It is beneficial in soothing the throat and relieving congestion. Essential oils such as eucalyptus and peppermint oil can soothe the respiratory tract when applied to the chest area. However, since direct contact with the skin can cause skin irritation, it is recommended to use them mixed with a carrier oil.

The Role of Vitamin C

The effect of vitamin C against colds is debatable. Dr. Can states that using vitamin C after the disease has developed does not shorten the duration of the cold. However, it has been scientifically proven that vitamin C taken from foods does not harm the body and strengthens the immune system.

Antibiotic Use and Things to Consider

Although colds are common in the winter months, they are often caused by viruses. Therefore, it should be known that antibiotics are not effective against colds. Unnecessary use of antibiotics can cause bacteria to develop resistance. It should be remembered that over-the-counter cold and cough medications can cause serious side effects in children.

As a result

It is very important to apply the methods mentioned above to protect yourself from colds and relieve their symptoms. We can spend the winter months healthier with healthy nutrition, plenty of fluid intake and natural herbal supports.