Problems of Regression and Privatization in Education
As the Education-Labor Union, we once again emphasized our determination to defend the rights and dignity of education workers in the action we held in front of the Ministry of National Education in Ankara to demonstrate our stance against the problems of reactionism and privatization in education. Today, after the end of the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, we gathered to announce the current problems in the field of education to the public.
Facts and Issues
In our country, education is being turned into a tool of current politics. This situation appears as an attempt by the government to impose its own ideology. The main problems experienced in the education system are, secular and scientific education approach place reactionary ve customizer policies are coming. It should be noted that the Minister of National Education, Yusuf Tekin, is the most obvious implementer of the AKP government's "spiteful and pious generation" target. Education is shaped by communities and market forces, and this leads to a decrease in the quality of education.
Applications of the Ministry of National Education
Instead of solving the problems in education, Minister Tekin is creating new problems. The biggest share of the budget While claiming to allocate funds for National Education, it is unable to explain what problems this budget solves. The dual education practice that has been going on for years continues and this situation usurps the right of children to education. In addition, schools 5 star hotel The rhetoric that schools were built like this does not reflect the real situation. Schools lack hygienic conditions and do not provide adequate nutrition.
Status of Teachers
- Interviews Although it was said that it will be removed, interviews are still ongoing and teachers are being trained through practices such as teacher academies. political ve parts are encouraged to be elected based on their affiliation.
- Teachers awaiting appointment The problem is growing, there are teachers waiting for appointment for years. This is one of the biggest problems of the education system.
Education and Future of Children
The fact that the number of children out of education has increased by 38,4% in recent years, reaching 612, and the increasing tendency towards alternative education systems such as open education and MESEM is an indication of how unhealthy the education system has become. It is unacceptable that public budgets are being transferred to private schools and various foundations instead of ensuring that all children have access to education.
Health and Safety of Students
- The promise that schools destroyed in earthquake zones will be quickly rebuilt has not yet been fulfilled. Thousands of students are receiving education in tents and containers, which is causing them to be disconnected from education.
- Desecrating public education efforts are causing the number of private schools to increase and the quality of education to decrease. This decline in education threatens the future of children.
Problems in Preschool Education
Since pre-school education is not included in compulsory education, children are directed to religious sect and community schools. Pre-school teachers' right to rest is ignored, and children are forced to receive education for long hours. This situation negatively affects children's psychological and physical health.
As a result
Yusuf Tekin and the AKP government he is affiliated with are responsible for this collapse in education. As Eğitim-İş, we will continue our struggle to defend public education and stand against the reactionary nature of education. Education will not be a slave to communities, the market, or the culture of obedience. We will struggle resolutely for a bright future.
“Go to school hungry one day and drink tap water”
These statements best summarize the point the education system has reached. As Eğitim-İş, we will fight to the end to protect the future of our children and defend the rights of education workers.