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Protect Your Health: Mercury Poisoning and Its Symptoms

In recent years, the effects of environmental pollutants on human health have attracted increasing attention. mercury poisoning, has become a health problem that goes unnoticed for many people. Although mercury is a natural element, it can accumulate in the body and cause serious illnesses due to its use in industrial and agricultural areas.

What is Mercury Poisoning?

Mercury poisoning, is a condition that occurs as a result of mercury accumulation in the body. Mercury, especially mussel, can enter the body through food items such as some fish and pesticides used in agriculture. This poisoning can have negative effects on the nervous system and can lead to permanent damage over time.

Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning

  • Nervous System Symptoms: Problems such as tremors, numbness, and loss of sensation in the hands and feet are frequently experienced.
  • Psychological Symptoms: Psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and memory loss may develop.
  • Digestive System Symptoms: Problems such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain may occur.
  • Vision and Hearing Problems: Visual disturbances and hearing loss are other symptoms of mercury poisoning.

Causes of Mercury Poisoning

Among the main causes of mercury poisoning are industrial waste, pesticides used in agriculture and some seafood. Especially large fish that are caught carry a risk in terms of mercury accumulation. Therefore, it is vital to pay attention to our eating habits.

How Is Mercury Poisoning Diagnosed?

Diagnostic process, is performed with various tests performed by specialist physicians. First, the patient's symptoms are examined in detail. Then, mercury levels in the body are measured with blood and urine tests. These tests play a critical role in diagnosing mercury poisoning.

Mercury Poisoning Treatment Methods

Treatment for mercury poisoning varies depending on the severity of the poisoning. Treatment methods include:

  • Chelation Therapy: This method is used to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. Mercury is removed from the body through special medications.
  • Symptomatic Treatment: Treatment methods are applied according to the symptoms experienced by the patient. For example, medications may be given for tremors and numbness.
  • Nutritional Regulations: It is important to avoid foods containing mercury and develop healthy eating habits.

Ways to Prevent Mercury Poisoning

Here are some precautions you can take to protect yourself from mercury poisoning:

  • Food Selection: Avoiding fish, especially large fish, is a healthy eating habit.
  • Agricultural Products: Choosing organic farming products helps you stay away from chemical pesticides.
  • Occupational Health and Safety: Persons working with substances containing mercury must wear appropriate protective equipment.

Mercury Poisoning and Public Health

Mercury poisoning, is a problem that threatens not only the health of individuals but also the health of society. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise awareness and provide training in this regard in society. The state and health institutions need to take an active role in combating mercury poisoning.


Mercury poisoning is a health problem that should be taken seriously. Being informed about its symptoms and causes is the first step to protecting yourself from this problem. It is important to live a conscious life to protect your health and not be affected by mercury poisoning.