Harms of Listening to Music with Headphones and Protecting Ear Health
Today, technology and our music listening habits have undergone a major change. While using headphones in particular makes music a more personal experience, it also brings with it some serious health problems. In this article, we will discuss in detail the negative effects of listening to music with headphones on ear health and the measures we can take to reduce these effects.
Dangers of Loud Noise
Hearing loss is one of the most common consequences of listening to loud music. Experts say that listening to loud music with headphones can seriously damage ear health. Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 decibels in particular can lead to permanent hearing loss. This sound level is equivalent to the sound of a vacuum cleaner.
Loud noise can put pressure on the eardrum, causing it to rupture. It can also damage the hair cells in the inner ear, causing irreversible hearing loss. Therefore, it should be remembered that the volume should not exceed 60 decibels when listening to music. For example, if you are speaking in a library at a volume that will not disturb others, the music you listen to should also be at that volume.
The Importance of Taking Breaks While Listening to Music
Listening to music continuously for more than an hour can negatively affect ear health. Resting the ears is very important to protect hearing health. Taking breaks while listening to music allows the ears to rest and reduces the damage that can be caused by long-term exposure. In addition, using earplugs in noisy environments can be an effective measure to protect the inner ear.
Risks of Using Q-Tips
Although the use of Q-tips has become widespread today, this habit is a significant factor that threatens ear health. Q-tips can damage the external auditory canal, which can lead to infections. We should avoid using Q-tips or similar objects when cleaning our ears. Instead, it is best to follow expert recommendations for ear cleaning.
Middle Ear Infections and Surgical Intervention
Upper respiratory tract infections, especially during the winter months, can seriously threaten ear health. Viral or bacterial infections can cause nasal congestion and lead to middle ear infections. If such infections are not treated, eardrum ruptures can become permanent. If ear pain begins, antibiotic treatment should be used to control the disease.
If middle ear infections are left untreated, surgical intervention may be necessary. Eardrum ruptures can be treated with cartilage or connective tissue taken from the person's own body using microscopic or endoscopic methods.
Methods to Protect Ear Health
- Check the Volume: Keep the volume of music you listen to with headphones limited to 60 decibels.
- Take Rest Breaks: When listening to music, be careful not to listen for more than an hour continuously.
- Provide Protection in Noisy Environments: Protect your inner ear by using earplugs in noisy workplaces.
- Pay Attention to Ear Cleaning: Avoid using Q-tips and follow expert advice for cleaning.
- Do Not Neglect Doctor's Check-ups: If you are experiencing problems with your ear health, seek help from a professional.
As a result, we need to be careful to protect our ear health. Listening to loud music can damage the eardrum and the cells in the inner ear. It is extremely important to avoid such habits and take the necessary precautions to protect ear health. Remember, healthy ears are the key to a healthy life.