Secrets of Healthy Living from 93-Year-Old Ruhi Dede: More Than a Century

Secrets of Healthy Living: Ruhi Dede's Experiences

Healthy living has been on the agenda of many people in recent years. However, there are still many questions about how to achieve this process. Spiritual Ayaz, is an inspiration to those around him with his philosophy of life and healthy eating habits. In this article, we will examine Ruhi Dede's healthy living secrets, eating habits and philosophy of life in detail.

Ruhi Dede's Understanding of Healthy Nutrition

Ruhi Ayaz is at the forefront of the cornerstones of a healthy life balanced diet ve regular movement He believes that he has come to this point. He maintains his physical and mental health by placing these two elements at the center of his life. Despite losing his wife in 2008, Ayaz has not lost his passion for life and wakes up at 06.00:XNUMX every morning to start the day in a healthy way.

The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast

Ayaz emphasizes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. an egg, Ten olives, tomato ve cucumber Ruhi Dede, who consumes this meal, prepares it in a healthy way. In addition, every day walk at least 1 kilometer a day He does not neglect to do regular exercise such as walking. Walking is very beneficial for both his physical and mental health.

Consuming Vegetables in Season

Ruhi Ayaz takes great care to consume vegetables in season. During the winter months spinach, cabbage ve leek While they prefer vegetables like, they tend to prefer lighter dishes in the summer. Especially with tomato paste ve from fatty foods By staying away from it, he chooses foods that suit his body's needs.

The Importance of Meat and Yogurt Consumption

Ayaz also states that meat consumption should be done carefully. Only twice a week 100 grams of meat He argues that consuming meat is enough. After each meat consumption, 50 grams of yogurt emphasizes that it should be eaten. Yogurt facilitates digestion and keeps the body full. Especially bulgur pilaf ve chickpea dishes Healthy alternatives such as are indispensable parts of the diet.

The Importance of Cooking

Ruhi Dede states that cooking is not a challenge for him. On the contrary, cooking is a is a source of pleasure and satisfactionThe fact that he worked until he was 75 shows that work was not tiring for him, but on the contrary, it kept him alive. His business life always kept him active and helped him live a healthy life.

Evening Eating Habits

Ayaz prefers not to eat after 19.00:XNUMX in the evening. This habit of his, stomach health ve headache It has been developed to avoid problems such as. Not eating in the evening hours ensures that the stomach remains empty for a certain period of time. In addition, it is not forgotten to drink water at intervals from evening until morning.

Suggestions for Healthy Living

  • Balanced diet: Each meal should provide a balance of protein, vegetables and carbohydrates.
  • Regular Exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking per day.
  • Seasonal Vegetable and Fruit Consumption: Consume fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits in every season.
  • Meal Preparation: Instead of junk food, choose to cook healthy meals at home.
  • Adequate Water Consumption: Make sure to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

As a result

Healthy living is a process that requires discipline and attention. Ruhi Dede's experiences show how simple healthy living can actually be. By reviewing our eating habits, it is possible to protect both our physical and mental health. I want to live healthy For those who say, Ruhi Dede's life is an inspiring example.