Family Doctors' Work Strike: Resistance to Contract Termination Threat

Family Medicine and Healthcare Workers' Struggles

Family physicians, as one of the cornerstones of the health system, undertakes the duty of protecting and improving the health of the society. However, recent developments have revealed the difficulties that family physicians face and the struggles they have to face against these difficulties. In particular, Family Medicine Payment and Contract Regulation The objections made regarding this clearly reveal the pressures that this professional group is subjected to.

Family Physicians' Reaction and Work Stoppage Actions

In November and December of last year, family physicians showed great reaction to this regulation and staged a work stoppage. Physicians gathered once again and made their voices heard against this practice, which they called the “torture and oppression regulation.” In the press statement held in front of the Ankara Provincial Health Directorate, CHP Ankara Provincial Chairman Umit Erkol and other provincial administrators also supported and made the situation more visible.

Contract and Income Restrictions for Physicians

The person who made the statement Health and Social Service Workers Union (SES) Ankara Co-Chairman Ibrahim Kara, emphasized that the regulation suppresses the prescriptions written by doctors. Especially antibiotic, painkiller ve stomach medicines Restricting the prescription of vital drugs such as these violates physicians' obligation to provide the most appropriate treatment for their patients. This situation negatively affects the treatment processes of patients and reduces the quality of healthcare services.

Problems Caused by Income Restrictions

Kara criticized the illogicality of the regulation, saying, “If our patients are healthy with the treatment and recommendations we provide, why would they apply to us?” He stated that there is a loss of income for those who do not apply to the Family Health Center for six months from the population they are responsible for. This situation causes physicians to be less motivated to protect the health of their patients.

Financing of Family Health Centers

Another important problem with the financing of family health centers is that the expenses are covered by family physicians. Kara emphasized that the current system is not sustainable, saying, “In many Family Health Centers, family physicians have come to spend money out of pocket.” This situation directly affects the work motivation of family physicians and the quality of health services.

Family Medicine Regulation Should Be Withdrawn

Kara, who argued that the Family Physician Payment and Contract Regulation should be withdrawn, stated that they opposed the threats against health workers on the grounds that they did not receive sufficient points. The changes they demanded included elements such as the provision of physical and medical equipment for primary health care services by the public, and the provision of sufficient time and opportunities.

Population Density and Health Services

Kara also stated that the number of population per physician for family health centers should not exceed 2.000, and that this situation should only be valid until a system is built in which preventive health services are prioritized and teamwork is observed. He also emphasized that they are against the employment of family health workers without a permanent staff.

Salaries Enough to Live Humanly

Kara, who argued that the salaries of doctors, midwives and nurses working in family health centers should be at a level sufficient to live humanely, added that effective measures should be taken to prevent violence in healthcare. Ensuring the life safety of healthcare workers is of critical importance for the sustainability of the healthcare system.

As a result

Family physicians are a professional group that is the backbone of the health system. However, it is obvious that current regulations put healthcare professionals in a difficult position and negatively affect patients' access to healthcare services. The struggle of physicians to improve the quality of healthcare services and protect the health of patients is of great importance for the health of society. Therefore, the demands of family physicians must be taken into account and the necessary regulations must be made as soon as possible.