Mersin's Female Astronomers Shine Like Stars in Their Fields

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality prioritizes women in the field of science, as in every field, with 100 female astronomers working at the 'Mercan 100th Year Climate and Environment Science Center', which it presented to the people of Mersin on the 2th anniversary of the Republic. Women continue to shine like stars in their fields with the employment provided by Mersin Metropolitan Municipality in this field. Astronomers who say 'We are strong as women, we exist in the field of science as in every field' reveal the power of women.

Women are present in every field in the metropolitan area!

The 'Coral', which was brought to the city on the 100th anniversary of the Republic, is an example and is appreciated for the priority it gives to women in Mersin, a city where the values ​​of the Republic are kept alive. Mersin Metropolitan Municipality continues to make a difference in the city and the Metropolitan Municipality with female astronomers. Prioritizing women in the field of work from the management staff to the lowest level, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality also preferred women in the astronomer staff it opened for the first time in the municipality, and it also reveals the power of women in this field.

Women astronomers are proud to serve in the Metropolitan Municipality

While astronomers Yonca Karaca and Merve Oylum introduce children to science with the work they put forward at Mercan, the Metropolitan Municipality's prioritization of women in the field of science, as in every field, is appreciated, and a difference is being made with these works. Astronomers Yonca Karaca and Merve Oylum, who work at the Mercan 100th Year Climate and Science Workshop, say that becoming an astronomer was their childhood dream, and they are proud to be carrying out this duty within the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality.

Scientists Karaca and Oylum successfully continue their duties with astronomy, which is the branch of natural science that tries to explain the origins, evolution, physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies. Accompanied by astronomers, astronomy and space-themed film screenings, nearly 100 different workshops in the field of space sciences and technologies, night observation activities and sun observation activities are held at the planetarium in Mercan.

Expert Astronomer Karaca: “Space was actually my dream as a child, just like every child.”

Working as an Expert Astronomer at the Mercan 100th Year Climate and Environment Science Center, Yonca Karaca stated that astronomy is a space science and that it is a branch of science that researches all celestial bodies in space and obtains information about them. Karaca, who expressed why she chose the field of astronomy, said, “I am a person who loves research and I have loved it since childhood. Space was actually my dream as a child, just like every child. I came to this day with the dream of going to space one day and touching those stars, and I found it appropriate to choose this department in my university preferences.”

“Gender prejudices of the past have largely diminished today”

Emphasizing that she is a 'scientist', Karaca mentioned that the ratio of women in her classes was less than men while she was studying astronomy and said, "When we look at the statistics, the number of women scientists and women astronomers is less. We were fewer as women in the university environment. The reason for this may be the prejudices from the past and the fact that women were kept in the background in science. These prejudices from the past have largely diminished today. One of the most important reasons for this is that an institution like the Municipality actually provides job opportunities for such a business. We are working here as two women astronomers and we are very happy in this environment where we work."

“The light we see in the students' eyes erases all our tiredness”

Karaca, who said, 'Our job is space', said, "However, when it is night, the stars and planets smile at us. Therefore, we come here at night and make observations, go out to the fields, and search for suitable observation environments. Of course, sleep is a beautiful concept, but we sacrifice our sleep for this. However, when we look back and see this light in the eyes of the students who come here, when they look at us with admiration, all this tiredness is erased. Because when they come here, they are just starting to get to know astronomy."

“We are strong as women, we exist in the field of science as in every field”

Karaca, who emphasized that it is a great source of pride to be working as a female astronomer within the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, said, “As two women, it is a great source of pride that they trust us in this field and give us this responsibility. We are strong as women, we exist in the field of science as well as in every field. We are trying to give the students who come here the perception of ‘you can do it too’ and we are happy and proud to do this.” Karaca, who also mentioned the work they do for students at Mercan, said, “We show movies in the planetarium, work in workshops, and organize night observation events with our students who come here. We think that we guide students in terms of both creating awareness and making career plans.”

Astronomer Oylum: “Our work continues with the same excitement as the day I first started”

Merve Oylum, who works as an astronomer at the Mercan 100th Year Climate and Environment Science Center, stated that Mercan was her first place of duty and said, “The provision of such opportunities in my first place of duty excited me when I first started. We still continue with the same excitement and adding to it. When I first arrived, we started with observation activities, then our workshops were opened and it is a beautiful journey that we continue by adding to it.”

“Gender perception in the metropolitan area is now collapsing”

Oylum, who mentioned that astronomers are astronomers, also referred to as space explorers, said, “Being a female astronomer is a great source of pride. Being an example to children and being able to inspire them is very pleasing.” Underlining that great importance is given to women’s employment within the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, Oylum said, “Gender perception is now being destroyed in the Metropolitan Municipality. Women are present in every field and their employment is increasing in every field. This is a source of pride and a happy event for us. I am very happy to be a part of this.”