Technological Developments and Social Innovation
Today, technological developments play an important role in solving social problems. Especially the projects developed by young people in this field provide great benefits both at individual and social levels. In this context, Konya Metropolitan Municipality and T3 Foundation established a joint Science Konya, aims to train the engineers of the future. Bilim Konya develops innovative thinking skills by introducing children to science and technology at an early age.
Ideathon: Idea Marathon for Teknofest
Bilim Konya organized to take part in Teknofest this year “Ideathon: Idea Marathon for Teknofest” with the opportunity for young people to develop innovative projects. In this event, students are informed about the concept of social innovation and are encouraged to develop projects aimed at social problems. The event helps young people develop creative thinking and teamwork skills.
Environmental Sustainability and Social Awareness
During the marathon of ideas, environmental sustainability and social awareness projects have been developed. Students aim to increase social awareness by proposing solutions to environmental problems. These projects have the potential to create significant impact on both individual and societal levels.
Project Development Process
Throughout the event, students who developed innovative projects through teamwork had the opportunity to present their ideas to the jury members. Project presentations, increases interaction among participants and allows young people to express themselves. This process allows students to receive feedback to further develop their projects.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Awareness
Teknofest event, young people entrepreneurship ve innovation It contributes greatly to raising awareness on these issues. By supporting young people with such activities, Bilim Konya contributes to the development of projects that will produce solutions to social problems. This approach is considered an important step towards raising future leaders.
Mission of Science Konya
Bilim Konya enables children to get acquainted with science and technology and provides them with project based trainings Among the topics covered in the training are: Yazılım, mechanics, electrical and electronics ve preparation for competitions These trainings enable young people to gain competence in the fields of technology and design.
Opportunities for Experiment and Design Students
Science Konya has many facilities throughout Türkiye Tryap ve Design It supports the goal of becoming a leading country in the field of technology and design by providing training to its students. These trainings provide students with practical experience and prepare them for their future careers.
The Power of Social Innovation
Social innovation aims to increase people's quality of life by producing innovative solutions to social problems. The events organized by Bilim Konya increase young people's sensitivity to social problems and provide them with solution-producing skills. This process enables young people to become active individuals in society.
As a result
Bilim Konya aims to raise future leaders by supporting the development of young people in the fields of science and technology. Raising individuals who are sensitive to social problems through social innovation projects is one of the main missions of Bilim Konya. Such activities allow young people to develop their creative thinking skills and contribute to society.