Important Step for Diyarbakir Light Rail System Project

Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayors Serra Bucak and Doğan Hatun met with French Development Agency (AFD) Turkey Directors Tanguy Denieul and Marine Karcher and decided to establish a joint technical working group for the Light Rail System Project.

Continuing their contacts in Istanbul, Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayors Serra Bucak and Doğan Hatun met with Sabancı Foundation General Manager Nevgül Bilsel Safkan and French Development Agency (AFD) Turkey Directors Tanguy Denieul and Marine Karcher.

Light Rail System Project

During the meeting, the financing and technical details of the Diyarbakır Light Rail System Project were discussed. During the meeting, which took place in a positive atmosphere for the rapid implementation of the project, a strong will for cooperation was emphasized.

A joint technical working group will be established

During the meeting, it was agreed to establish a joint technical working group to thoroughly evaluate the technical and financial details of the project. It was stated that the working group will start its activities as soon as possible and will contribute to the progress of this important project that will strengthen Diyarbakır's public transportation infrastructure.

During the meeting, the project's contribution to Diyarbakır's sustainable transportation goals and regional development was underlined.

The Co-Chairs were accompanied at the meeting by Women and Family Services Department Head Özden Gürbüz Sümer, Social Services Department Head Serap Yıldırım, and Research and Projects Department Head Murat Akbaş.