September Miracle of Gümüşhane Mountains: Vitamin C Rich Natural Treasures Being Bottled in January!

Rosehip Nectar and Marmalade: The Natural Miracle of Gümüşhane

One of the unique natural riches of Turkey rosehip, especially has a unique place in the Gümüşhane region. The fact that 27 of the 17 rosehip species in the country grow here makes Gümüşhane a center for rosehip production. Rosehip nectar and marmalade produced in Gümüşhane attracts the attention of not only the local people but also all of Turkey.

Rosehip Nectar: ​​The Healing Power of Nature

Rosehip nectar is an ideal drink for those who want to support their immune system, especially during the winter months. Food Engineer Goktug Yetimoglu, the high content of rosehip nectar C vitamin It emphasizes that it has a protective feature against diseases thanks to its properties. This natural drink also draws attention with its lack of additives. Rosehips that grow naturally in the mountains of Gümüşhane are collected by the local people and brought to the businesses.

Rosehip Marmalade: Taste and Health Together

Rosehip marmalade is not only at the forefront with its flavor but also with its health benefits. In the production process in Gümüşhane, the rosehip fruit is first washed and then subjected to the cracking process. With the boiling process, the rosehip, which is separated from its seeds and hairs, turns into a completely natural product. This process is carried out meticulously in a way that preserves both its flavor and nutritional value.

Rosehip Production Process in Gümüşhane

The rosehip production process is carried out with great care. Rosehips brought to the businesses are first cleaned in washing pools. Then, the fruits are subjected to the crushing process. At this stage, the product is boiled in a way that does not damage its structure. Then, the process of separating the seeds and hairs is carried out. In the last stage, the resulting product is bottled in bottling lines and subjected to the pasteurization process. After the products are labeled, they are sent to all corners of Turkey.

Health Benefits of Rosehip

  • Vitamin C Storage: Rosehip strengthens the immune system due to its high vitamin C content.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Rosehip is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals.
  • Protection Against Diseases: Regular consumption provides protection against diseases such as flu and cold.
  • Natural Medicine: Rosehip is used as a natural medicine in the treatment of many diseases.

Economic Importance of Rosehip Production

Rosehip is an important source of income for both the local people and the country's economy. Local people collect rosehip and bring it to businesses, thus gaining added value. The evaluation of rosehip as a cost-free product is limited only by the effort involved in the collection process. Businesses have a daily processing capacity of 1 ton of rosehip on average, and as a result of this process, 10 to 15 bottles of product are obtained. The products obtained are distributed all over Turkey, which contributes to the economic development of the region.

The Importance of Naturalness

Naturalness is at the forefront in rosehip production. Yetimoglu, states that these products do not contain additives and are completely natural. Consumers who value naturalness can choose rosehip nectar and marmalade with peace of mind. These products are becoming an indispensable part of a healthy life.

The Future of Rosehip Products

Rosehip production in Gümüşhane is gaining more importance with the increasing demand for natural products. Consumers' turning to healthy and natural products is increasing the interest in rosehip nectar and marmalade. In this context, Gümüşhane's rosehip production will have an important place in terms of economy and health in the future.