Doctors in Mongolia to Receive Special Training from Turkish Doctors

Health Cooperation Between Mongolia and Türkiye

Cooperation in the field of health is extremely important in terms of strengthening international relations and improving the quality of health services. The meetings held by the Mongolian Ministry of Health with Turkey are one of the most concrete examples of this cooperation between the two countries. In this context, the statements made by Mongolian Minister of Health Munkhsaikhan Togtmol in order to benefit from Turkey's health system are noteworthy.

Turkish Health System and Education Models

Türkiye has become a world-renowned country with its achievements in the field of health in the last 20 years. Medicana Health Group Board Member and CEO Reha Özkaya emphasized that Turkey's health infrastructure has attracted great international attention. The education and health services offered by Turkey are an example not only for Mongolia but also for many other countries.

Mongolia's Health Needs and Collaboration Opportunities

Despite having a population of 3.5 million, Mongolia needs significant developments in its health infrastructure due to its vast geographical area. In this context, the sharing of information between specialist doctors and health professionals in Turkey with physicians in Mongolia is one of the fundamental elements of cooperation between the two countries. Özkaya expressed Turkey's determination to share its qualified manpower with Mongolia.

Physician Education and Accepting Patients Abroad

Mongolian Health Minister Togtmol stated that priority is given to physician training in the meetings. Mongolian doctors who will receive training in Turkey's health system will have the opportunity to manage treatment processes more effectively in their own country. It should also be emphasized that Turkey is an attractive destination for accepting patients from abroad. Turkey offers a reliable option for patients seeking quality health care under affordable conditions.

Robotic Surgery and Modern Health Technologies

Innovations in the field of health, especially modern techniques such as robotic surgery, are improving the quality of Turkey's health system. Mongolia aims to cooperate with Turkey to integrate such technologies into its country. Özkaya stated that they will provide comprehensive support for cooperation in healthcare infrastructure as well as robotic surgery. Such innovations are extremely important for improving the quality of healthcare services.

The Future of Türkiye-Mongolia Relations

The 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries once again shows how important this cooperation is. Togtmol stated that Turkey is a homeland for Mongolia and that the roots are one. In this context, increasing cooperation in the field of health will further strengthen the relations of the two countries.

As a result

Health cooperation between Turkey and Mongolia offers great opportunities for both countries. Strengthening health infrastructure, supporting physician training and integrating modern health technologies constitute the cornerstones of this cooperation. This process, in which both countries will benefit, will contribute to the rise of international standards in the field of health. Therefore, sharing Turkey's health experience with Mongolia is an important step for both countries.