Anchovy Market: On Sale at 70 TL per Kilogram with Two Competitors!

The Importance of Anchovy and Other Fish in the Fishing Season

The fishing season, which started on September 1, is quite fruitful this year. Anchovy, in particular, is sold for 150 TL per kilo, which increases the interest of fish lovers. However, in addition to anchovy, other fish such as whiting and horse mackerel have also taken their place on the shelves. The recent abundance of these fish has led to both a decrease in prices and an increase in consumption.

The Rising Popularity of Whiting and Horse Mackerel

Whiting and horse mackerel are among the most preferred species in fish stalls in recent days. The price per kilo of these fish 70 TL It is at a very reasonable level. Fish seller Onurcan Köse states that sales are very good and there is plenty of fish. This situation makes both the fishermen and the consumer happy.

Fish Prices and Consumption Habits

The general situation of fish prices directly affects consumer behavior. In addition to anchovies, the barber $ 150, salmon $ 200, perch ve gilt-head bream is sold for 300 TL. Garfish is sold for 250 TL, turbot is sold for 700 TL per kilo. These prices are becoming more affordable, especially thanks to the abundance of whiting and horse mackerel. Normally, horse mackerel is sold for 100 TL per kilo, and whiting for 100-150 TL, but it is observed that prices have dropped this summer season.

Fish Consumption Preferences of Citizens

  • Anchovy: The most consumed type of fish.
  • Stavrit: The most sold fish after anchovies.
  • Whiting: Another fish species whose consumption rates are increasing.
  • Barbun: Limited consumption due to price.
  • Salmon: It is preferred as a healthy alternative.

Citizens state that fish prices at Samsun stalls are reasonable. This situation positively affects fish consumption habits. The most sold fish species after anchovy are whiting and horse mackerel. This abundance is expected to continue until April 15. Then, the fishing ban will start and this situation may affect fish diversity.

Future Prospects in the Fishing Industry

The future of the fishing industry is a matter of curiosity. With the start of the fishing ban, consumers are expected to turn to caged fish. In this process, the most important task for fishermen is to provide quality and fresh products. In addition, it is important for consumers to make conscious choices in order to contribute to healthy eating habits.

Health Benefits of Fish Consumption

Consuming fish offers many health benefits. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish help protect heart health and support brain functions. In addition, regular consumption of fish strengthens the immune system and increases body resistance.

As a result

The abundance of the fishing season has a positive impact on both fishermen and consumers. The sale of fish such as anchovy, whiting and horse mackerel at affordable prices increases public fish consumption and encourages healthy eating habits. The future course of the fishing sector is awaited with curiosity.