Tram Request from MAGİNDER for Malatya!

Malatya Entrepreneurial Business People Association (MAGİNDER), met with members of the press to draw attention to the problems of Malatya after the February 6 earthquake, to produce solutions and to discuss the necessary steps for the future of the city. MAGINDER Chairman Salih Karademir, made important statements at the meeting and expressed both the existing problems and solution suggestions.

Situation of Malatya After the Earthquake

The problems experienced in Malatya after the February 6 earthquake led to serious changes in the economic and social structure. While more than 3 thousand tradesmen continue to work in containers, approximately 100 thousand citizens continue their lives in container living spaces.

Migration of Skilled Workforce

The migration of qualified workforce to other cities after the earthquake had a negative impact on Malatya's economic balance. This situation also led to changes in the city's demographic structure. MAGINDERHe emphasized that civil society organizations and local governments should work in a coordinated manner to solve this problem.

Transportation and Infrastructure Solutions

Mayor Salih Karademir stated that Malatya's transportation infrastructure needs to be strengthened. The demands for the city's transportation system are as follows:

Tram Line Project

  • It was emphasized that a tram line should be built on the existing ring road route. This line, Planning to extend from İnönü University to İkizce TOKİ requested.

Northern Ring Road and 2nd Viaduct

  • The northern ring road is expected to be completed by 2025, The tender for the second viaduct planned to be built in Beyler Creek should be started as soon as possible. It was stated that it was necessary.

Economic Development and Investment Needs

MAGINDER, demanded the implementation of various projects for the economic development of Malatya:

Cement Factory Project

  • It was stated that the cement factory project planned to be established in the city should be carried out in cooperation with business people from Malatya. MAGINDER, announced that it is ready to provide all kinds of financial support to this project.

Organized Industrial Zones

  • It was stated that new organized industrial zones should be brought to the city and existing incentives should be increased.

Culture, Tourism and Social Services

New Cultural Center

  • Sabanci Cultural Center It was emphasized that the new project planned after its demolition was inadequate. President Karademir stated that a larger cultural center should be built where international events can be organized.

Tourism Investments

  • It was stated that foreign tourists had not come since the earthquake and that investments that would revitalize tourism should be implemented.

Condolence Houses

  • It was stated that condolence houses should be built in every district and the promises made during the election period should be kept.

Permanent Spaces for Press Members

  • It was stated that members of the press were still working in containers and a request was made for permanent offices to be built for media workers.

Calls to Local Governments and Business People

MAGINDERHe called on both local administrators and business people of Malatya for the redevelopment of Malatya:

  • Encouraging powerful business people in Istanbul to invest in Malatya.
  • To Mehmet Ali Aydınlar, owner of Acıbadem HospitalsA call for support was made for the construction of a new private hospital in Malatya.
  • From the governorship and municipalitiesExpectations were expressed for the arrangement of prestige streets, the removal of temporary workplaces, and the resolution of cleaning and infrastructure problems.


MAGINDER, aims to carry Malatya to an important place not only in Turkey's but also in world trade. In this direction:

  • Mentoring for young entrepreneurs to be done,
  • Developing projects that will create social benefits,
  • Steps are planned to be taken to strengthen the economic and social structure of the city.

MAGİNDER called for support at both local and national levels for Malatya to get back on its feet and stated that it will continue to work for the city. It was stated that unity and solidarity should be maintained in order to heal the wounds after the earthquake quickly and to strengthen the city economically, socially and culturally.

Supporting all the work done for Malatya MAGINDERcontinues to exhibit a solution-oriented approach to problems.