TCDD's Port Services Tariff to be Implemented in 2025

General Directorate of TCDD, has explained the tariffs and regulations to be applied in port services in 2025 in a detailed circular. This circular covers the discount scales, container services, storage exemptions and additional service fees to be applied for the services provided especially in İzmir and Haydarpaşa ports. The outlines and details of these regulations are given below.

According to article 5.4 of TCDD Port Services Tariff;

I. In order to maintain the existence of companies receiving service from our ports, to create new customer demands, to increase commercial relations and to provide quality and continuous service, between 01.01.2025 and 31.12.2025;

1-     In Izmir Port; a discount will be made on the loading/unloading service fees to be given to the goods subject to import, export or transit regime, general cargo or solid bulk (excluding loading/unloading with mechanical vehicles and facilities belonging to the client and project cargo loads) from the fees specified in the table 3.1.3/YB-2, in accordance with the scale in articles 1-a and 1-b, provided that a tonnage commitment is made and a contract is made.

a) Discount Scale to be Applied to General Cargo Loading and Unloading Service Fees

Tariff fee: $6/Ton
Up to 25.001 - 50.000 tons $5,50 / ton
Up to 50.001 - 75.000 tons $5,00 / ton
Up to 75.001-100.000 tons $4,50 / ton
Up to 100.001-125.000 tons $4,00 / ton
Up to 125.001-150.000 tons $3,50 / ton
150.001 ton and above $3,00 / ton

b) Discount Scale to be Applied to Solid Bulk Goods Loading/Unloading Service Fees.

Tariff fee: $4/Ton
Exportation Imported
Up to 200.001 – 300.000 tons $3,50/ton $3,75/ton
Up to 300.001 – 400.000 tons $3,25/ton $3,50/ton
Up to 400.001 – 500.000 tons $3,00/ton $3,25/ton
500.001 – tons and above $2,75/ton $3,00/ton

2- In Haydarpaşa Port, a discount will be applied to the loading/unloading service fees to be provided to the general cargo or bulk solid (excluding loading/unloading with mechanical vehicles and facilities belonging to the business owners and project cargo loads) specified in the TCDD Port Services Tariff 3.1.3 /YB-3 internal cabotage basic fee table with their own means, on the condition that a ton commitment is made and a contract is made, according to the scale specified in articles 2-a and 2-b. The contracts will be valid for 1 year from the date of making. The loads brought by the business owners will be valid for the tonnage commitment until the end of the contract period. However, any tariff changes that occur during the contract period will be reflected in the scale fees as of the change date.

a) Discount Scale to be Applied to General Cargo Loading/Unloading Service Fees Subject to Internal Cabotage Regime.

Tariff fee: $3/Ton
Up to 0-5.000 tons $2,50 / ton
Up to 5001 – 10.000 tons $2,00 / ton
Up to 10.001 – 30.000 tons $1,50 / ton
Up to 30.001 – 50.000 tons $1,00 / ton
50.001 and above tons $0,75 / ton

b) Discount Scale to be Applied to Loading/Unloading Service Fees for Solid Bulk Goods Subject to Internal Cabotage Regime.

Tariff fee: $2,50/Ton
Up to 5001 – 10.000 tons $2,00/ton
Up to 10.001 – 30.000 tons $1,50 / ton
Up to 30.001 – 50.000 tons $1,00 / ton
50.001 and above tons $0,75 / ton

The discount in Articles 1 and 2 will be available to all port users who sign a contract (ship agent, cargo agent, goods owner, etc.). If the commitment specified in the contract is not realized, the scale fee corresponding to the realized tonnage will be applied. The discount will be made starting from the first ton if a guarantee letter is received, and starting from the tonnage at which the commitment is realized if a guarantee letter is not received. The discount amount to be incurred starting from the first ton will be offset from the service fees to be given to the goods to be brought by the company later.

In case the ports are transferred during the contract period due to reasons such as privatization, the contract will end on the transfer date (inclusive) and the tonnes carried out until this date will be charged at a daily/annual rate. This provision will be included in the contracts to be made.

3 -In Container Loading/Unloading Services;

a) In Izmir Port Operation Directorate:

Full Container unloading service fee $85/piece
Full container loading service fee $70/piece
Empty container loading/unloading service fee $32/piece
Reshipment full container loading + unloading service fee $70/piece

b) At Haydarpaşa Port Operations Directorate:

Full Container unloading fee from the ship $90/piece
Full container loading service fee $85/piece

4- In Haydarpaşa and İzmir Ports;

a) TCDD Port Services Tariff 3.1.4/12 Ship Hatch Covers Opening/Closing Service Fee; In case the ship hatch covers are opened, left on the ship and closed again, 30,00 USD per hatch will be collected by the Operator, and in case they are lowered to the dock and loaded again, 60,00 USD per hatch will be collected for these services.

b) Empty containers to be loaded and/or unloaded onto the ship will be subject to ISPS service fee.

5- In Haydarpasa Port;

TCDD Port Services Tariff;

a) In case the Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles in article 3.1.4/5 are loaded, unloaded or shifted to ferries, ro-ro and similar type vessels with their own power or pushers and tractors, the basic fees are applied. In case this service is provided by the pushers and tractors belonging to the Company, the basic fees will be collected with an additional 50%.

b) X-Ray (External control) given to vehicles and containers in article 3.2/3.2.4 of Terminal Services in article 15 will be applied as $15/item.

6- Containers loaded/unloaded at the Port as stated in Table 3.2.3/T-2 of the CDD Port Services Tariff,

In Izmir Port;

20′ container filling service fee $70 / piece
20′ container unloading service fee $100 / piece
40′ container filling service fee $140/piece
40′ container unloading service fee $170/piece

7- Container Storage Services;

TCDD Port Services Tariff for Izmir Port;

1- In the table 3.3.3/KA-2:

a) 21 days/unit for containers arriving empty by ship and departing empty by road,

b) 21 days/unit for containers arriving empty by ship and departing empty by another ship,

c) 21 days/unit for containers arriving empty by road and departing empty by ship (Exemption is not applied to containers arriving empty by road and departing empty by road again).

c) For export containers that arrive empty by road, are filled at the port and then loaded onto the ship as full; 21 days/unit for an empty container, and 6 days/unit for an export container that is full after the container is filled.

d) For export containers that arrive empty by ship, are filled at the port and then loaded onto the ship as full; 21 days/unit for an empty container, and 6 days/unit for an export container that is full after the container is filled.

e) For export containers that arrive full by ship and are emptied at the port and then refilled and loaded onto the ship full; 21 days/unit for an empty container, and 6 days/unit for a full container after the container is filled.

f) 21 days/unit for the empty container that arrives full by ship and is emptied at the port,

g) If the imported full container is shipped out of the port by wagons, the storage service of this container is 3 days/unit.

g) 6 days/unit for export containers that arrive at the port full and are loaded onto the ship,

h) 21 days/unit for reshipment containers arriving at the port,

2- Included in Table 3.3.3/A-1;

a) 10 days/ton for solid bulk goods subject to the export regime,

b) 3 days/unit for automobiles subject to the export regime that are loaded onto ships at the port,

TCDD Port Services Tariff for Haydarpaşa Port;

In the table 1-3.3.3/KA-1;

a) If the empty container arrives at the port by land and goes empty by sea, 21 days/unit,

b) 21 days/unit if the empty container arrives at the port by sea and goes by road,

c) If an empty container arriving at the port by sea or land is filled at the port, 21 days/unit is used for nothing, and 10 days/unit for a full container.

c) If a full container coming to the port by sea or land is emptied at the port and then refilled at the port, the empty container will be emptied for 21 days/unit and the full container will be emptied for 10 days/unit after it is filled.

d) 10 days/unit for export or transit full containers arriving at the port by road or sea,

e) Number of empty containers that arrive at the port full by ship or land and are emptied at the port,

f) 21 days/unit if the empty container arrives at the port by sea and goes by sea,

2 – Included in table 3.3.3/A-1;

a) 1 day/unit for TIRs, Trailers, Buses and Trucks subject to the export regime to be loaded onto Ro-Ro ships,

b) 5 days/unit for automobiles subject to the transit regime that will come from abroad by ship and go abroad by ship,

c) For automobiles arriving by ship from another Turkish port and to be re-exported, a 5-day/unit storage exemption will be applied.

Empty containers that come to the port by sea and go back by sea will be considered as containers subject to the transit regime. No storage exemption will be applied to containers that come empty by land and go back empty by land.

8- Project Cargo goods storage fees specified in Table 3.3.3/A-1 of TCDD Port Services Tariff will be applied as 3 $/ton/day in Izmir Port.

9- Fees specified in Passenger Services Table 4.1.2 of TCDD Port Services Tariff

In Izmir Port

For passengers and tourists coming from abroad $1 / piece
For passengers and tourists going abroad $3 / piece

will be implemented as.

II- TCDD Port Services Tariff 2.2. Included in Table 2.2.3./B of the Accommodation Services Tariff,

1- Ships arriving at the port for sheltering purposes without loading or unloading will be charged sheltering fees of $1.000/day for each 80 GT and fractions thereof.

2- For non-commercial foreign flagged military (including NATO ships), training and research ships coming to the port for sheltering purposes, sheltering service fee is $1.000/day for each 100,00 GT and fraction thereof.

A fee will be charged.

Within the scope of the Directive on Fees for Pilotage, Tugboat and Mooring Services published by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure pursuant to the Ministerial Approval dated 19/09/2024 and numbered 2187670, the fees specified in the Directive and the provisions of the Directive shall be applied for the 2.1.4 Mooring Service and 2.1.3/R Tugboat Service of the TCDD Port Services Tariff. In case of any change in the fees and provisions of the Directive, the provisions and fees of the Directive shall be applied as they are as of the date of change.

Mooring Fee Table 2.1.4 PLM-2 (Mooring + Unmooring)

Ships Working in the Cabotage Line Other Ships
0-1000 + 1000 0-1000 +1000
11 6 22 11
Tugboat Fee Table 2.1.3 R (Per Unit/Service)
Ships Working in the Cabotage Line Passenger, Ro-Pax, Ro-Ro, Car Carrier Ship Container Ships Other Ships
0-1000 +1000 0-1000 +1000 0-1000 + 1000 0-1000 +1000
119 25 224 40 299 56 373 70

– Fees are determined based on the range of 1.000 GT, gradually increasing up to 120.000 GT,

– For ships with a tonnage greater than 120.000 GT, a 120.000 GT fee will be applied.

– A 20% additional fee is applied to container, Ro-Ro and Ro-Pax vessels carrying dangerous cargo, and a 30% additional fee is applied to other vessels carrying dangerous cargo. However, ships that declare that they have a “Gas Free Certificate” that shows that they are free from dangerous gases, obtained 24 hours before starting service, will not be charged a dangerous cargo increase fee.

– The start and end times of the services shall be determined in accordance with the National Holidays and General Holidays Law No. 17 dated 03/1981/2429, and Article 1 and 2.

If the service falls on a holiday, mooring and tugboat services are purchased with a 50% additional fee. If the service ends on Friday evening of a holiday or public holiday, an additional 50% fee is charged on Saturday as well.

– If the ship departs from the dock, buoy facilities or piers and subsequently docks at the place it departed due to force majeure such as adverse weather conditions or situations that may endanger the safety of navigation, life, property and the environment, or if it is not possible to dock at the place it departed, it docks at another dock deemed appropriate by the Harbour Master within the port borders, a 50% discount on service fees is applied.

– If the service that has started cannot be completed due to the ship or shore facility, 50% of the basic fee will be charged.

– If the tugboat is purchased as an escort tugboat, a 50% discount is applied to the tugboat fee. Tugs that the ship is required to have within the scope of the Ports Regulation cannot be defined as escort tugboats.

– If a ship or watercraft that cannot move with its own propeller for any reason is towed with the help of a ship (including a tugboat), the calculations for the services related to this operation are made by taking into account only the gross tonnage of the towed. In this case, a 50% additional fee for the tugboat service is charged.

4-      The second paragraph of the permission clause of the TCDD Port Services Tariff, 3.2.4/3-b Terminal Services Tariff, regarding the permission that can be given to the client, has been changed as follows; “In the Izmir Port, if the client gives permission to provide terminal services to export bulk solid cargo, project cargo, and containers that come by wagon and go by ship or the like, a 2% discount will be made from the basic fees.”

III-      This circular 01.01.2025 It will come into force as of the date of I. Article 31.12.2025 In case of transfer of ports due to privatization etc., as of the transfer date (inclusive), Article I will be repealed, the fees in the tariff will be applied for these services.