What is Psychological Well-being and Why is it Important?

Psychologist Eren Boz provided information on the subject. Psychological well-being is the individual feeling good on a psychological, emotional and social level, and also having a harmonious balance in their relationships with themselves and their environment, and having the capacity to cope with difficulties. Therefore, psychological well-being does not only mean that the individual does not have 'diseases' such as depression and anxiety, but also that their quality of life is high.

This concept excites me a lot as a newly graduated psychologist in the field of psychology because it is not just theoretical knowledge, but also a process that will make people's lives more satisfying. In recent years, this concept has started to attract more people's attention. For therapists, it is a subject that needs to be focused on and thought deeply. When I first started my career, I often thought about how distant and unattainable this concept was for me. But then I realized that this is exactly one of the most important points of psychological well-being. Because it is a journey, a process. Understanding this both relaxes people and encourages them to take action. When I first heard the concept of psychological well-being, I thought of it as a goal. Like, 'Everything will be fine when you reach the goal.' In fact, I still fall into this mistake from time to time. But the truth is more complicated. In fact, it is not about reaching a point, but about the journey we experience while getting there.

Many psychologists define this in several dimensions. If we look at one of these, emotional well-being; it is not simply a state of being happy, but rather a state related to emotional balance. If we accept that happiness is temporary and that everyone struggles from time to time, we understand how important and valuable this balance is. For example, when an individual learns to cope with anxiety, this can increase their psychological well-being. Even in times of restlessness and anxiety, the person manages to control themselves and manage their negative emotions. I think this is one of the cornerstones of well-being. Then comes the idea of ​​realizing our own potential. In a sense, as the individual discovers their own inner resources, they add meaning to their life. This may vary for each individual.

While some people consider their success at work as a way of finding meaning, others focus on artistic activities or their relationships with other individuals. In other words, this is a situation related to using personal potential in the most efficient way. If I give an example from my own life; when I asked myself what I wanted to do most when I graduated from university, my answers were usually as follows: To understand people better and to be able to guide them in a healthier way. So how can each individual develop their well-being or is it possible to develop it? Of course it is possible. An individual's ability to develop psychological well-being actually depends on both internal and external factors. By internal factors I mean the person's self-confidence, attitudes towards themselves or emotional intelligence, while external factors, as the name suggests, are related to the environment and society in which the individual lives. An individual who knows himself/herself well and is successful in overcoming difficulties can be considered psychologically stronger. However, someone who works in a stressful job or has a weak or problematic family life may have difficulty in completing his/her psychological well-being.

Psychologist Eren Boz said, “This concept does not just tell us to ‘be good’ or ‘be happy’, it promises something deeper and more meaningful: Know yourself first, improve yourself, face challenges and establish healthy relationships. This is a process that requires patience and awareness.”