Studies Conducted in Izmit Gulf Were Discussed

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, which works in coordination with TÜBİTAK-MAM to monitor the water quality of İzmit Bay and prevent pollution, hosted an important panel titled “Target: A Healthy Marine Ecosystem.” The panel, which was held in two sessions, discussed the work carried out in İzmit Bay, problems, and solution proposals. Universities, academicians, non-governmental organizations, students, and representatives of many different institutions attended the “Target: A Healthy Marine Ecosystem” panel program held by the Environmental Protection and Control Department at the Kocaeli Congress Center. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Secretary-General Dr. Hayri Baraçlı, who participated as a speaker in the session titled “Adaptation of Marmara to a Changing Climate,” said that as a metropolitan municipality, they have over 70 percent advanced biological treatment.


The panel session titled “Adaptation of Marmara to a Changing Climate” was moderated by Prof. Dr. Barış Salihoğlu, Director of the Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences, and was attended as speakers by Secretary General Baraçlı, as well as Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, President of the TÜBİTAK MAM, Prof. Dr. Cem Gazioğlu, Director of the Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, and Prof. Dr. İdil Sayımer, Dean of the Kocaeli University Faculty of Communication. Before the session, awards were presented to the winners of the National İzmit Gulf “Meeting of Blue and Green; Resurrection İzmit Gulf” photography contest. In addition, the gifts of the winners of the quiz contest held at the end of the session and attracting great attention were presented by Secretary General Baraçlı.


In his speech at the session, Metropolitan General Secretary Dr. Hayri Baraçlı said, “Today, we are here not only to protect the seas but also to protect nature. It is very important for our work to explain the services of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality in this field and also to reach a conclusion by making an academic evaluation with our professors. The main problem in sea pollution, which we have been following since the past years, is the ‘pollution of the seas.’ We need to see the Marmara Sea as a natural asset within the understanding of urbanism. We should all make an effort to make the Marmara Sea more livable. The industrial impact and population that has formed unfortunately negatively affect our seas. While we, as Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, discharge our waters into the sea with over 70 percent advanced biological treatment, on the other hand, different cities unfortunately pollute the sea. Therefore, we are also undertaking different projects in order to raise awareness at this point. Our Environment Department is actively carrying out its activities in order to increase biodiversity and prioritize sustainability. Our ISU General Directorate carries out the purification works, and ISAS continues its work to provide clean water to our city,” he said.


The panel was moderated by Middle East Technical University Marine Sciences Institute Director Prof. Dr. Barış Salihoğlu, who thanked Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality for hosting organizations on many different topics every year. Salihoğlu said, “The Marmara Sea is under pressure not only from climate change but also from many factors. It is subject to these pressures because it is semi-enclosed and connected to the outside only through the straits system and because it also hosts a significant portion of the country’s industry. There is a lot of pressure on the Marmara Sea. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality is taking very important steps to clean the seas.”


Starting her speech by thanking Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, TÜBİTAK MAM President Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy said, “I would like to emphasize and emphasize that; TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center has been carrying out very valuable studies in the fields of marine research and technologies for many years by collaborating with our universities. In order to make an evaluation about marine research, you must first have data. In this sense, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and TÜBİTAK-MAM came together and made evaluations for a white formation that appeared on the sea surface in İzmit Bay 17 years ago. Then, we started the studies in 2008. İzmit Bay has been monitored for 16 years. These monitorings are carried out physically, chemically and biologically. As a result of the monitoring, the infrastructure of data such as water quality assessment studies and ecosystem assessment is created.”


Prof. Dr. Cem Gazioğlu, Director of Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Business, said in his speech, “With the rapid rise of water levels after the last ice age, the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea enter into lake and sea interactions. The last time it took this form was estimated to be 7 years ago. We can explain how we know this as follows. The Yeni Kapı Excavations provided us with very enlightening information. Footprints dating back 500 years were found there. But interestingly, they were found seven and a half meters below today’s water level. If we were to make a calculation from here, it includes a process where the water level in our region has increased by one meter in a thousand years. This situation actually explains the climate process to us. So, what accelerates the process here? Our presence and contribution are what disrupts the process. We are accelerating some things. The water level rising by one meter in a thousand years does not support today’s figures very much. The water level is rising in our region as well as all over the world. We foresee that this situation will create very serious pressures on future generations.”


Stating that they are together for an extremely important issue, Kocaeli University Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. İdil Sayımer said that they should start protecting the seas from home. Sayımer said, “We need to start protecting the seas, which is the action plan of the provinces with coasts in Marmara and the Marmara Municipalities Union, from our homes. It is very important to raise awareness on this issue, knowing that every drop of water we use will eventually reach the sea. The activities of local governments and civil society organizations are also very important in this regard.”


In the afternoon part of the program, the panel titled “In the Example of İzmit Bay; Studies, Problems and Solution Proposals” was moderated by Marmara Municipalities Union Environment Coordinator Dr. Ahmet Cihat Kahraman and was attended by Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Control Department Head Mesut Önem, Kocaeli University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Halim Aytekin Ergül, TÜBİTAK-MAM Marine Research and Technology Research Group Chief Expert Researcher Sabri Mutlu, METU Institute of Marine Sciences Dr. Faculty Member Mustafa Mantıkçı, I.U. Faculty of Aquatic Sciences Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Çiftçi Türetken, Kocaeli University Sustainability Office Coordinator Assistant Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aysel Çetinkaya.


Önem, who explained the environmental investments and projects of the Metropolitan Municipality in the panel, said that they were conducting scientific studies with universities and scientific institutions for a clean Marmara and İzmit Gulf. Önem, who emphasized that many of their projects were deemed worthy of awards in this regard, said that the studies carried out could reach successful results with the joint participation and effort of all citizens and institutions. In the panel, where academics from TÜBİTAK-MAM, METU, Istanbul University and Kocaeli University, who are working together with the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, also explained their studies, what needed to be done and solution suggestions were discussed. At the end of the panel, which attracted the attention of many university students, a prize-winning quiz was held and successful participants were awarded.


At the end of the panel organization, the participants were taken to the construction site where the "Izmit Bay Bottom Mud Cleaning Project" was carried out. The bottom mud cleaning works in the project area were explained and the project was introduced.