Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat, stating that the rate of women participating in the workforce is 37,4 percent, said, “As the rate of women participating in the workforce increases and the number of women entrepreneurs increases, the Turkish economy will grow much faster. The 12th Development Plan aimed to increase the rate of women participating in the workforce to 2028 percent by 40, and the course of events shows that.”
Bolat, who attended the “Timeless Women” award ceremony of the Roots Women's Initiative, stated in her speech that she was very happy to be together with women entrepreneurs who add strength to the country's economic power and inspire with their production and hard work.
Bolat expressed her wish that these initiatives, such as the Roots Women's Initiative, would contribute even more to the strengthening of the Turkish economy, and said, “Entrepreneurs have the power to make societies more sustainable, more innovative and more dynamic. Women's entrepreneurship has a special importance in terms of this changing and transforming function. Our women entrepreneurs are a very important force that triggers social transformation due to their different perspectives and the direct and strong relationships they establish with every segment of society.”
Pointing out that women entrepreneurs have a business mentality that is grounded in the ground but also open to innovation and follows opportunities, Bolat noted the following:
“Women entrepreneurs who act more rationally in entrepreneurship and make more logical attempts are always open to self-development, so the success they achieve is also a new beginning. In addition, acting in line with their own ideas rather than the ideas of others also ensures the emergence of original ideas and works. Within the framework of all these, both the increase in the number of our women entrepreneurs and the growth in the volume of their business will also ensure the development of our business culture and economy as a country. The empowerment of women in the business world is one of the biggest investments that increase the welfare level of a society. Therefore, supporting women's entrepreneurship is a very important step to encourage innovation and make economic development sustainable. As the AK Party governments under the leadership of our President, we have worked hard since the end of 2002 to pave the way for our women and women entrepreneurs, advance their careers, and ensure that our women play an active role in every field, from education to health, from bureaucracy in business life to sports and trade, and we continue to do so.”
– “We provided training to nearly 6 women and young entrepreneurs”
Bolat stated that they work with the aim of creating a suitable ground and climate by focusing on each individual that the nation sees as a potential entrepreneur, and said, “We know that the pioneer of our women entrepreneurs is our mother Hazrat Khadija, the precious wife of our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad. Her trade with camel caravans between Mecca and Damascus is an exemplary entrepreneurial success. As the Ministry of Trade, we develop policies and prepare various support programs and mechanisms such as training and mentoring programs to encourage the participation of our women entrepreneurs in exports, support them and increase their potential. In this context, we have provided training to nearly 6 women and young entrepreneurs under different topics ranging from supporting exports, entering global markets to digital marketing with the Export Academy Exporter Training Program for all our entrepreneurs.”
Bolat said that they have developed many strategies and policies to encourage women's entrepreneurship in the last 22 years, and noted that in the light of these studies, while the entrepreneurship rate among women was 2002 percent in 13,1, this rate increased to 2023 percent in 17,4.
Bolat stated that since 2002, they have always acted with the awareness that they have been walking together with women, and that during this process, they have implemented reforms in many areas that touch women's lives.
Bolat stated that the world has been going through a difficult period in the last 5 years, starting with the Covid-19 pandemic, with geopolitical tensions and wars taking place in the region and around Turkey, and pointed out that the Turkish economy has shown a successful performance in the most important macro indicators such as economic growth and export increase even during this difficult period.
– “The number of women employed has increased to 10 million 346 thousand”
Bolat, drawing attention to the fact that employment has increased from 22 million to approximately 21 million in 33 years, said, “There has been an increase of 12 million employment. In 2005, the total number of women employed was 4 million 773 thousand people, and the rate of women participating in the workforce was 21,3 percent. According to 2023 data, the number of women employed has increased to 10 million 346 thousand, an increase of approximately 5 million 700 thousand has been realized, and the rate of women participating in the workforce has approached 21 percent from 36 percent. The increase in women’s employment has been at the level of 68 percent.”
According to the data for October 2024, the total number of women employed is 10 million 954 thousand and the rate of women participating in the workforce is 37,4 percent, Bolat said, continuing as follows:
“As the rate of women participating in the workforce increases and the number of women entrepreneurs increases, the Turkish economy will grow much faster. The 12th Development Plan targeted the rate of women participating in the workforce to rise to 2028 percent by 40, and the course of events shows this. Knowing that women’s leadership will carry us further in every field, women are also given important positions. As a result of our President’s efforts and endeavors, especially in politics, to ensure that women take more place in social life, the number of women in every field, including rectors, police officers, soldiers, officers, faculty members, bureaucrats, ambassadors, ministers, members of parliament, governors, district governors and mayors, has increased rapidly. While the rate of women ambassadors was 2011 percent in 11,9, it increased to 2023 percent in 27,3. While the rate of women in senior and mid-level management positions in companies was 2012 percent in 14,4, it increased to 2022 percent in 19,6. Significant improvements have also been made in terms of wage equality, and negative discrimination has been prevented. The number of women and young people who want to become exporters at the Export Academy has increased to 6.”
– “E-Easy Export Platform is a very important guide”
Bolat reported that Turkey's annual goods exports, which were $2002 billion in 36, are now $261,4 billion, and that services exports, which were $2002 billion in 14, have now reached $112,5 billion.
Bolat, who said that the increasing presence of women as managers and entrepreneurs in business life has made great contributions to exports in terms of both goods and services, said, “As a ministry, we are responsible for increasing exports. Maintaining reasonable levels of imports and reducing our foreign trade deficit and current account deficit are among the main goals. We provide important incentives for our exporters to sell competitive, value-added, brand, innovation and high design value products in international markets.”
Bolat provided information about the ministry's support in this area and emphasized that women entrepreneurs should benefit from the ministry's opportunities for more exports.
Bolat stated that 2024 billion lira of the 38 billion lira budget in 21 was used in export supports and made the following statements:
“Our budget will be 2025 billion liras in 56, approximately 33 billion liras of which will be allocated for export support. 25 women entrepreneurs are currently receiving active project support in ongoing projects within the scope of UR-GE projects. Our women entrepreneurs can also benefit from the support we provide in e-export. E-Easy Export Platform is a very important guide. In addition, we, as a ministry, have included the commission expenses in foreign markets where personalized products are sold, where our women and young entrepreneurs are concentrated. The support we provide in a wide range from cargo costs to marketing expenses helps our entrepreneurs to open up to distant markets.”
– “Turkey’s exports in the services sector increased to 112,5 billion dollars”
Bolat stated that the highest share of women's employment in the world is in the services sector with 59 percent, and said, “The largest share of employment and national income in Turkey is in the services sector with over 55 percent, and the share of women's employment in the services sector is 64 percent in Turkey. The services sector is a sector where Turkey is competitive in the world and progresses with giant steps. Turkey's exports in the services sector increased to 112,5 billion dollars. We came here from 22 billion dollars in 14 years. We closed last year with 106 billion dollars, and our rate of increase continues this year. Our share in world service exports was 0,89 percent in 2002, and we increased it to 1,35 percent. Our 2028 target is to reach 2 percent. As a ministry, we provide support not only to exporters of goods but also to services exports. The support we allocated in 2024 of 5,1 billion liras was used, and we will provide support to services exports of 7,3 billion liras next year.”
Bolat, who gave the information that 2 million 232 thousand tradesmen and craftsmen in Turkey are registered in nearly 3 thousand tradesmen and craftsmen chambers, 82 unions, 13 federations and confederations, noted that 424 thousand 544 of the total number of tradesmen and craftsmen are women entrepreneurs.
Bolat stated that the number of active women's initiative production and business cooperatives has reached 1110, and that 1,9 million members of these cooperatives are under the Ministry's responsibility.
Bolat explained that they made it easier for women to establish cooperatives with the Women's Initiative Production and Business Cooperative Articles of Association, and continued as follows:
“14 provinces and 64 districts were visited by our ministry in the Cooperative Promotion and Development Project. Every year, we try to increase our support for women's cooperatives and the number of women's cooperatives established. We also organize the Turkey fair of women's cooperatives once a year, we organized it in Gaziantep last year. As the ministry, within the scope of the Cooperatives Support Program (KOOP-DES) that we implemented in 2020, we provide 400 thousand liras for machinery and equipment support, 2 thousand liras for personnel support per personnel, 206 personnel, and 60 thousand liras as fair participation support as grants to newly established women's cooperatives. We actively supported the establishment of 115 women's cooperatives this year.”
Bolat stated that they also cooperated with other ministries regarding women's entrepreneurship and strengthening women's cooperatives.
Bolat, who stated that as a ministry, they will continue to stand by and support women entrepreneurs who work to add value to the economy in every part of Turkey together with other ministries, said, “Our support programs as a society and government will continue to strengthen our women entrepreneurs and make them successful in their businesses, increase their opportunities to do business, and create more opportunities for them in business life. As the Ministry of Trade, we will be by their side in every field from financing opportunities to support mechanisms, from education and information to networking activities in line with our export-oriented growth strategy.”
Following the opening speech, Minister Bolat, Red Crescent Istanbul Provincial President and Roots Founding Co-President Burcu Kösem and Value Summit Committee President and Roots Founding Co-President Pınar Erez presented the awards.