Number of Visitors to Rüsumat No:4 Exceeded 370 Thousand

The “Rüsumat No:4 Ship and Open Air Museum”, which was established by Ordu Metropolitan Municipality on Altınordu Beach and passed on its epic story to future generations, has hosted more than 370 thousand people since its opening. The museum, visited by the people of Ordu, is one of the places that guests visiting Ordu visit with curiosity.

Dr. Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, who brought down the heroic epic of the people of Ordu a century ago from the dusty shelves of history. Working with a special team, Mehmet Hilmi Güler carried out an important work to transfer the epic of Rüsumat No:4 to future generations. In this context, a museum was built by the Metropolitan Municipality in order to keep the historical epic of the Rüsumat No: 4 Ship, which is among the important epics of the War of Independence, alive and to pass it on to future generations.

Rüsumat No:4 Ship, which was built in the exact same dimensions by utilizing historical sources in the Altınordu Coast Moonlight Square, where Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk set foot on his way to Ordu with the Hamidiye cruiser, was opened to visitors with a ceremony held in April 2023.


Having gone down in world maritime history with its service during the War of Independence and rebuilt to exact measurements by Ordu Metropolitan Municipality, the Rüsumat No: 4 Ship and Open Air Museum has been a popular destination for Ordu residents and visitors since its opening on April 25, 2023. Engraved in memories with its epic story, the Rüsumat No: 4 Ship and Open Air Museum has been visited by over 370 thousand people since its opening.


While trying to capture the ships carrying ammunition to the front for the War of Independence, Rüsumat No: 4, which dodges the enemy ships patrolling in the Black Sea, was in an effort to bring two cannons and 350 chests of ammunition loaded from Batumi to İnebolu.

Rusumat, who survived the enemy ships, arrived in Ordu on 17 August. Against the danger of the guns being caught at any moment, the people of Ordu displayed an interesting example of solidarity that went down in history. First, the guns on the ship were brought side by side, the bridge was created, and the people were taken from the ship with the solidarity of the people and taken to a warehouse. After the weapons were unloaded, Rusumat was sunk. The enemy ships that came to the Army, thinking that a sinking ship had lost its function, retreated. After the enemy ships left, the people of Ordu again floated the ship with historical solidarity. The engine has been renewed. The weapons in the warehouse were reloaded on the ship by making a pier by bringing the swaps side by side. Rüsumat, departing from Ordu, reached the port of İnebolu.