First Step Taken for Nostalgic Tram Project in Van!

The City Aesthetics Board, established in accordance with the decision taken by the Van Metropolitan Municipality Council, held its first meeting. In the first meeting, where the works planned for a more livable and aesthetic city were discussed, important issues regarding the future of the city were discussed.

The meeting, held in the Metropolitan Municipality Meeting Hall, was chaired by Assistant General Secretaries İskender Duman and Elif Selçuk İlhan. The meeting was attended by the relevant department heads of Van Metropolitan Municipality, Van Water and Sewerage Administration (VASKİ) General Directorate, central district municipalities, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMOOB), Chamber of Civil Engineers (İMO), Chamber of Landscape Architects affiliated to TMOOB, Chamber of Interior Architects, Chamber of Surveying Engineers, Chamber of Architects, Chamber of Urban Planners, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and representatives of stakeholder institutions.

Important issues regarding the city were discussed

Making a short speech at the opening of the meeting, Van Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General İskender Duman gave brief information about the establishment of the City Aesthetics Board, its duties and relevant regulations.

Later, in the meeting where the problems experienced in terms of urban aesthetics were discussed; ideas were exchanged on urban furniture, signs, sidewalk and street occupations, traffic problems, parking problems, alternative routes, applications of Article 18, illegal and unlicensed construction, transportation and environment.

The works planned to be carried out in the short, medium and long term were discussed.

In addition, the Nostalgic Tram Project planned to be built on Melen Street was also discussed at the meeting, and the agenda items for the next meeting were determined by discussing the long, medium and short term works planned on issues such as the rehabilitation of streets and avenues, revisions regarding zoning plans, noise pollution and licensed construction.

The meeting ended after the stakeholders exchanged views.