Directorate of Immigration to Hire 10 Assistant Inspectors

Ministry of Interior Directorate of Migration Management, to be assigned to the central organization 10 Assistant Auditors announced that it will be recruiting. The application requirements, process and all other details for this critical position are discussed comprehensively below.

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Application conditions

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No. 48To meet the general conditions specified in .
  2. universities Faculties of Law, Political Science, Economics, Business, Economics and Administrative Sciencesor equivalent Higher Education Council (YÖK) To be a graduate of a domestic/overseas higher education institution accepted by the
  3. From 2023 or 2024 KPSS (KPSSP9, KPSSP11, KPSSP23 score types) least 70 points to have received.
    • Candidates four times the number of Assistant Auditors to be hired will be invited to the oral exam, starting with the highest score and ranked accordingly. (Candidates with equal scores will also be invited to the exam.)
  4. Not to be over 01.01.2025 years old as of 35 (Candidates born on or after 01.01.1990).
  5. Not having a health problem that prevents performing the auditing duty continuously and being suitable for travelling in all climatic conditions.

Application Process

Application Dates

  • Starting date: December 5 2024
  • End Date: December 13, 2024 (Time: 17:30)

Application Place

Applications are accepted online only e-Government Immigration Administration Career Gate Public Recruitment platform or Career Gate ( Applications made in person or by mail will not be accepted.

Application Stages

  1. Providing Application Documents:
    • Graduation information,
    • KPSS score,
    • Residence information will be obtained automatically via e-Government.
    • The missing information in the system must be uploaded manually by the candidate.
  2. Announcement of Results:
    Whether the candidates are eligible to take the exam is determined by the Directorate of Immigration Administration. will be announced on the website. In addition, exam information Career Gate can be viewed via .

Examination Process

Exam Type and Scope

Exam single stage as, only oral interview This interview, which will be conducted by the Directorate of Immigration Administration, will comprehensively evaluate the knowledge and qualifications of the candidates.

Criteria to be Evaluated in the Oral Exam

  1. Field knowledge (law, economics, public administration, etc.)
  2. Analytical thinking and reasoning ability,
  3. Expression skills and general cultural level,
  4. Knowledge of the areas of activity of the Directorate of Migration Management.

Matters to be taken into consideration

  1. Accuracy of Application Information:
    The accuracy of the information submitted by the candidates during the application process is entirely their own responsibility. If incorrect or incomplete information is detected, the candidate will lose all their rights.
  2. Application Period:
    Applications will not be accepted after the specified date and time. December 13, 2024, 17:30 The system will be closed as of .
  3. Contact and Information:
    Candidates can find all the information about the examination process on the website of the Directorate of Immigration Administration. Career Gate should follow via.

Importance of Assistant Auditor Position

Assistant Inspector of the Directorate of Migration Management, is a very prestigious position in terms of both personal development and contribution to public service. People working in this position:

  • Will play an active role in the implementation of Turkey's migration policies,
  • Conducting in-house audit and guidance services,
  • It will develop solution-oriented projects by closely following national and international legislation on migration.

In this context, the position offers great contributions to both the candidates and our country's migration management.