History is Being Rewritten in Anatolia: Traces of the Irish and Scots Are Being Searched for in Yozgat

Ephesus Ancient City: A Journey in the Heart of History

Located in Selçuk district of Izmir Ephesus Ancient City, has been home to ongoing excavations since the 1860s to unearth a civilization lost in the depths of history. These excavations not only discover the secrets of the ancient world, but also have the potential to rewrite human history. While the history of Ephesus dates back approximately 7 years, the mounds around it extend this period to 8 years.

Stone Hills: Humanity's Mysterious Past

Located in Şanlıurfa Stone Hills, has the potential to change the course of history with the excavations in the region. This area offers important clues about humanity's past. It is expected to obtain new information on subjects such as religions, agriculture, urbanization and art. KarahantepeThe animal statues and the 2,3-meter human statue found in the site reveal how valuable the excavations in this region are.

Gobeklitepe: Zero Point of History

In Sanliurfa Göbeklitepe, is defined as the “zero point of history”. 12 thousand years old archaeological remains were unearthed here. It has caused theories on humanity’s transition to settled life to be reconsidered in particular. However, Göbeklitepe is only the beginning; other archaeological sites in this region are similarly important in changing history.

Beaded Field: Traces of the Neolithic Age

In the Dargeçit district of Mardin Beaded Field, attracts attention with its remains from the Neolithic Age. In this area, where excavations began in 2012, important findings regarding wheat and barley farming were obtained. Although the excavations have not been fully completed yet, Boncuklu Tarla is expected to provide data from a thousand years before Göbeklitepe.

Unknown Language Discovered in Çorum

During the excavations in the Boğazköy Hattuşa region of Çorum, a previously unknown pond (dam) and a forgotten Kalashca Archaeological data belonging to the language have been reached. This discovery increases the importance of the region in terms of tourism and contributes to the preservation of the Hattusha excavations.

Tavium: The Favorite of the West

Located in Yozgat Tavium Ancient City, began to be excavated in 2000. With its 6-year history, it hosts important findings from the Roman, Hittite, Galatian and Phrygian civilizations. In addition, the discovery of artifacts from the Bronze Age increases the historical importance of the region. There are also theses that the ancestors of Germany, Ireland and Scotland lived in this region.

Midyat Underground City: Traces of Early Christianity

The underground city, discovered by chance in the Midyat district of Mardin, attracts attention with its places of worship, grain depots and water wells. Although 10% of the excavations have not yet been completed, important data on early Christianity can be obtained in this area. In addition, the possibility of encountering biblical examples before the Council of Nicaea (AD 325) adds special importance to this excavation.

Gordion: Capital of the Phrygian Kingdom

Located in Polatlı district of Ankara Gordion, is known as the capital of the Phrygian Kingdom. The excavations here have unearthed the King Midas tumulus and mosaics. The discovery of the first inscription mentioning the name 'Gordion' in 2022 sheds light on the history of this region. Gordion is one of the longest-lasting settlements in the world, shedding light on a history of 4 years.

The ongoing excavations in these ancient sites are revealing traces of past civilizations and providing new information about human history. Each excavation site opens a door to unravel the mysteries of history and unites the past and the future.