Harvest Continues in Sarıgöl in Winter:

Viticulture Culture of Manisa and Grape Production of Sarıgöl

Manisa stands out as one of the most important agricultural centers of Turkey. Especially grape production This region, known for its grape growing, has a rich history of viticulture. In this context, Sarıgöl district stands out as the grape capital of Manisa. The Undercover system, increases the quality of grape production and enables fresh grape harvest even in winter months.

Advantages of Covered System

The greenhouse system is an application that involves covering the vineyards with nylon canvas covers. This method allows the grape bunches to ripen without being affected by weather conditions. Thus, product quality increases and the harvest period is extended. Thanks to this system in Sarıgöl, fresh grapes can be collected until the middle of the winter months. This situation benefits both producers and consumers.

Grape Varieties Produced in Sarıgöl

Sarıgöl is known as a region where different grape varieties are produced. Especially Seedless Sultana ve red globe World famous grape varieties such as are grown here. Each of these varieties attracts attention with its unique taste and aroma. Farmers grow these varieties meticulously and offer them to both domestic and foreign markets.

Harvest Process and Labor

The grape harvest is carried out quite intensively in Sarıgöl. Female workers start working in the vineyards from the early hours of the morning and carefully collect the grapes. Workers like Aylin Pars say, “It is the 5th of December and we are still cutting grapes,” indicating that the harvest process is ongoing. The grapes are carried on trucks by male workers and sent to different provinces around the country. This process contributes greatly to Sarıgöl’s agricultural economy.

Marketplace and Economic Impacts

Another important advantage of the greenhouse system in Sarıgöl is that Fresh grapes entering the marketdir. Producers have the chance to sell their products even in the winter months. Red Globe grapes in particular are one of the most robust and most demanded products of the season. This harvest in the winter months has positive effects on the income level of producers. In this way, producers can earn more and contribute to their family economy.

The Importance of Viticulture in the Future

Viticulture activities in Sarıgöl and its surroundings have an important place in terms of Turkey's agricultural policies. It is of critical importance for producers to adopt modern agricultural techniques and implement sustainable agricultural practices in terms of the continuity of viticulture in the future. Grapes are not only an agricultural product, they also have cultural and economic value.

As a result

The Sarıgöl district of Manisa offers the best examples of viticulture and improves the production process with modern agricultural practices. The fact that producers grow higher quality and fresher products with innovative methods such as the greenhouse system contributes greatly to the economic development of the region. Grape production in Sarıgöl is in great demand both domestically and abroad. This shows how high the agricultural potential of the region is.