Chronic Patients' Satisfaction with Family Medicine is Low! 

Family Medicine and Patient Satisfaction: A Scientific Review on Istanbul

Family Medicine is an important system that facilitates individuals' access to health services and offers a holistic approach to health problems. However, recent studies have shown that satisfaction rates of individuals with chronic diseases, especially those with family medicine services, are low A scientific study conducted specifically for Istanbul has addressed this situation in detail.

Dissatisfaction of Chronic Patients with Family Medicine Services

A study published in the Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences reveals that satisfaction rates with the family physician system vary according to age groups. 45-54 age The satisfaction rate of individuals in the family physician range is lower than other age groups. This may be due to the fact that chronic diseases are more common in this age group. The research suggests that patients in this age group should be more a sensitive approach emphasizes the necessity.

Patients' Expectations from Family Physicians

The primary services expected from family physicians are keeping patient records and information confidential, listening to patients and providing accurate information about their health problems. However, telephone access, recalling practices performed in previous interviews are among the areas most complained about by patients. This situation reduces the effectiveness of family medicine services and negatively affects patient satisfaction.

Physician-Patient Communication and Effective Service Delivery

The difficulties that patients experience in reaching their family physicians by phone stem from the fact that physicians have to both examine patients and answer the phone during working hours. In this case, Doctors giving their patients their email addresses, will allow patients to ask questions and physicians to answer them when appropriate. This type of communication will increase continuity of care and increase patient satisfaction.

Effective Use of the Appointment System

The time patients spend in waiting rooms shows that the appointment system is not used effectively. Therefore, the appointment system needs to be reviewed and the time allocated to patients needs to be planned more efficiently. Reducing waiting times, will increase patient satisfaction and strengthen confidence in family medicine services.

Family Physician Getting to Know the Patient

Family physicians’ knowledge of patients is an important factor that increases the quality of healthcare services. The less frequently a patient visits a family physician, the less opportunity the physician has to get to know and follow up on the patient. This can prevent patients from having their health problems diagnosed in a timely manner. Therefore, family physicians need to communicate with their patients more frequently and know their health history well.

Management of Chronic Diseases and Family Medicine

Management of chronic diseases is one of the most important areas of the family medicine system. Family physicians should closely monitor the health status of individuals with these diseases and provide the necessary information. In addition, family physicians should support patients in coping with their health problems and make them feel that they are always with them. This will increase patient satisfaction and strengthen the effectiveness of health services.

As a result

This scientific research conducted in Istanbul provides important data for the development of family medicine services. Increasing patient satisfaction is possible by improving the communication skills of family physicians and using the appointment system effectively. In this direction, the family medicine system can better meet the health needs of individuals and positively affect public health.