Next Generation Beidou Positioning System: Navigation of the Future
China has taken a revolutionary step in space, Beidou has set out a comprehensive roadmap to improve the positioning and navigation system. This strategic plan is not only China's will not only strengthen national security, but also has the potential to create a great impact on a global scale. Beidou is aimed to become a new generation system by 2035. In this process, the launching test satellites will be an important step.
Beidou's Development Process and Goals
The China Satellite Navigation System Management Office (CNSO) drew attention with the “Beidou Satellite Navigation System Development Plan Before 28” announced on November 2035. The plan stated that a research and development process will be carried out until 2025 to develop the core technologies of the next-generation Beidou system. In the following years, three test satellites are planned to be launched in 2027. With this launch, the aim is to send the network satellites into space in 2029 and complete the system by 2035.
Current Structure and Capacity of Beidou System
The current Beidou system consists of 30 satellites that provide global positioning, navigation and timing services. This system has a total of 24 satellites in medium Earth orbit, eight in each plane excluding spares. In addition, there are three satellites in geosynchronous and inclined geosynchronous orbits. New generation Beidou system, by deploying its satellites in high, medium and low Earth orbits coverage area aims to increase and enhance sensitivity.
Decimeter-Level Precision and Versatile Use
The new Beidou system offers its users real time, is designed to provide highly accurate and highly reliable services. The system's precision ranges from the meter level to the decimeter level (10/10 of a meter or XNUMX cm). This feature, From the surface of the earth It has the capacity to support a wide range of user terminals, from space to space. Beidou, other non-satellite-based navigation and aims to provide a more comprehensive infrastructure by integrating with scheduling technologies.
Military and Commercial Impacts
beidou, GPS of the USA, competes with Europe’s Galileo and Russia’s GLONASS systems. However, Beidou’s features such as two-way communication and regional accuracy make it superior to its competitors in some areas. While the US’s GPS modernization efforts have encountered technical glitches and delays, China’s next-generation Beidou system has the potential to be a significant milestone in global positioning technologies. The new system is expected to provide major advantages not only in civilian applications but also in the military field. Beidou, which can be used in precision-guided munitions, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and battlefield navigation systems, China's defense capacity will increase.
The Role of Beidou in the Commercial Field
Beidou also has a significant impact in the commercial arena. The new system appeals to more sectors China's economic influence has the potential to expand. The Beidou system, China's "Space-Ground Integrated Information Network" (SGIIN) project. This project aims to create a unified system that brings together services such as communication, remote sensing, navigation and weather. This integration will further consolidate Beidou's role in the global satellite infrastructure.
Navigation Technologies of the Future
All these developments, Beidou's will shape the future. Elements such as high precision, wide coverage and military advantages will transform Beidou from being just a navigation tool to a global power. In particular, military and commercial applications in the field will increase the potential of Beidou and China's will strengthen its position in the international arena. Beidou's future developments will create new opportunities and competitive areas not only for China but also for the entire world.