Children Learned Traffic Rules While Having Fun in Bursa

In Bursa, the little ones who get behind the wheel in the traffic track set up for children, first learn the traffic rules theoretically and then practically from the police. With the training they receive from the police, the fun training of the little drivers has led to the emergence of colorful images.

Designed for children 4 years ago in Bursa, the track hosts 5 students per month. Students between the ages of 7 and 13 receive traffic training on the track prepared for them by the Traffic Department after their teachers receive approval from the Ministry of National Education. The little ones, who learn traffic rules from police teams in the classrooms set up, then go out on the track and get behind the wheel. The fun education of the little ones, accompanied by police teams, quickly learns many vital information such as how to cross the road and then how to use the overpass, and it doesn't stop there. Finally, students, who go out on traffic with special bicycles designed for them, accompanied by police, also learn information such as red lights, priority of passage, and speed rules. With the training provided, little drivers grasp important information that ensures their own safety.