Within the scope of the "Sector Campus" program, which was implemented within the framework of the protocol made between the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Council of Higher Education and aimed at bringing together the knowledge of the technology ecosystem with students, the "Introduction to Battery Management Systems Design" course started to be given in the Fall Semester of 2024 at Erciyes University in cooperation with the program stakeholders Erciyes University and ASPİLSAN Energy.
Erciyes University President Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun and ASPİLSAN Energy General Manager Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan Özdemir met with students who attended the Introduction to Battery Management Systems Design course included in the curriculum at Erciyes University.
Making statements here, Altun stated that the course included in the curriculum has an important role in students' career planning and said, "It is very important for our students to have the sector as a course on campus in terms of career planning. We are in favor of continuing these processes by creating awareness. I would like to thank those who contributed to the planning of this process."
ASPİLSAN Energy General Manager Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan Özdemir stated that the Sector Campus program will greatly contribute to the training of qualified engineers by increasing the interaction between academia and industry. He emphasized that the Introduction to Battery Management Systems Design course will strengthen the connection between academia, industry and the private sector by introducing students to the most up-to-date industry applications. Özdemir stated that the content of the course covers the design, testing, safety and various battery technologies of batteries and made the following statements: “This program aims to meet the significant need for battery expertise. The Introduction to Battery Management Systems Design course, given by ASPİLSAN Energy’s experienced engineers who are experts in their fields, also provides a very important basis for future engineers and researchers who want to specialize in this field. The Sector Campus program will provide significant gains in terms of planning and updating curricula in accordance with industry needs in the field of University-Industry Collaboration model applications, which have been talked about for years; however, we have not been able to achieve satisfactory results.”
This joint step taken by Erciyes University and ASPİLSAN Energy to train the human resources needed by the sector in the fields of technology and engineering aims to make significant contributions to Turkey's national technology initiative and technology ecosystem.