Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: Important Tests for Early Diagnosis
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, which are increasing day by day, are among the important health problems that threaten the quality of life of individuals. Early diagnosis of these diseases is of critical importance for the successful implementation of treatment processes. In this article, we will discuss the effective drugs against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 5 important tests we will examine it in detail.
1. Balance and Motor Coordination Test
The first test requires individuals to stand on one leg to measure their balance and motor coordination. This exercise showcases a person’s balance skills as well as their range of motion. As neurologist Dr. Baibing Chen puts it, “In people with two legs and no mobility issues, difficulty standing on one leg for at least 30 seconds has been linked to a higher risk of dementia and stroke.” This test can reflect subtle deficits in areas of the brain involved in balance and motor skills.
2. Smell Test
The second test measures the ability to smell. It is stated that the olfactory center of patients with early dementia may be affected. Dr. Chen emphasizes that problems in recognizing odors may be a precursor to neurodegeneration seen in diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. A study conducted on individuals between the ages of 57 and 85 in particular revealed that cognitively healthy individuals who had difficulty perceiving odors developed neurological disorders 5 years earlier.
3. Clock Drawing Experiment
The third test gives patients a task to draw a clock. This practice is used in various clinics and tests individuals' time perception, spatial organization and attention. Dr. Chen explains the importance of this test as follows: “If someone has difficulties with spatial organization, attention, and planning, such as with Alzheimer's disease, this task can be very difficult.” Drawing the clock correctly is of great importance in early diagnosis of the disease.
4. Counting Backwards Walking Test
The fourth test requires individuals to walk backwards. This test may indicate problems with executive function, memory, or attention. Failure to pass this test may be associated with problems with concentration, dementia, and recall. Counting while walking backwards helps assess mental capacity.
5. Animal Names Test
In the fifth test, individuals are asked to name animals within a certain time limit. If the individual cannot name enough animals within the specified time limit, they are considered to have symptoms of diseases such as Alzheimer's and frontal temporal dementia. According to Alzheimer's UK, individuals with these two diseases have damage to their temporal lobes, which causes them to have difficulty remembering words and their meanings.
Information About Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, with approximately 6,7 million There are Alzheimer's patients. This number will increase by 2060. to 13 million Therefore, raising awareness of dementia and Alzheimer's disease will pave the way for early diagnosis and treatment processes.
As a Result, Early Diagnosis and Awareness
Early diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer's disease increases the quality of life of individuals and positively affects the treatment process. Regularly performing the above-mentioned tests allows the symptoms of these diseases to be noticed early. The importance of such tests should never be ignored for a healthy life.