Hearing Loss Risk in Young People: The Importance of Awareness
In recent years, especially among young people, hearing loss It is more important than ever to raise awareness about the risk of hearing loss. A study published in the BMJ Global Health Journal reveals that between 670 million and 1,35 billion young people and adults worldwide are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening behaviors. In this article, we will look at what young people can do to reduce their risk of hearing loss.
Dangers of Loud Noise
Listening to loud music is a common habit among young people, but it can have quite dangerous consequences. Research has shown that young people 24 percent of using personal listening devices at volumes high enough to damage their hearing. At the same time, 48 percent are exposed to unsafe sound levels in noisy environments such as concerts, clubs and cinemas. This increases the risk of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Permanent Effects of Hearing Loss
The risks of listening to loud music are not limited to temporary hearing loss. In the long run, this habit permanent hearing damage and can lead to lifelong hearing problems such as tinnitus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 12 to 34 people worldwide 2,8 billion people This figure means that more than one billion young people are at risk of permanent hearing damage. Therefore, it is critical that young people take care of their hearing health.
Developing Safe Listening Habits
To reduce the risk of hearing loss, young people need to develop safe listening habits. Here are some important points to consider:
- Check the Volume: When listening to music with headphones, be careful not to increase the volume above 60%.
- Take Frequent Breaks: Instead of long listening sessions, give your ears a rest by taking breaks from listening at regular intervals.
- Get Comprehensive Information: Get access to hearing health information to better understand the risks of hearing loss.
- Avoid Noisy Environments: If possible, avoid loud activities or wear ear protection.
The Role and Responsibility of Young People
Young people have an important role in not only paying attention to their hearing health but also informing others around them. By being aware of the risk of hearing loss, they can guide their friends and families on this issue. This awareness can have a positive impact on hearing health in society as a whole.
Conclusion: Pay Attention to Hearing Health
In conclusion, it is critical for young people to pay attention to their hearing health, not only for their own health but also for future generations. Knowing the dangers of listening at high volumes and developing safe listening habits will reduce the risk of hearing loss. Therefore, it is of great importance for young people and their families to be aware of this issue.
Remember, your hearing health is your future!