First Step for Gulf Ray Project Taken Today

Construction work has begun on the Northern Metro Line project, which will take Kocaeli to the next level in transportation. This project, which will be carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, aims to carry 300 thousand passengers daily on the east-west axis of the region. The consultancy tender for Körfezray, which is planned to open in 2028, will be held today. While drilling continues in the station areas, the status of the regions in the project's impact area continues to be examined.

A Huge Investment of $2,2 Billion

The total investment cost of the project was determined as 2,2 billion dollars. 1,8 billion dollars of this budget was allocated for the construction of the line and 400 million dollars for vehicle investments. Construction work continues in the demolished Mannesmann Factory and Sekapark area. While drilling and construction preparations in the area continue rapidly, the area is closed and security measures are being taken. The Northern Metro Line has an important place in the Transportation Master Plan of the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and is the city's largest investment.

Annual 101 Million Passenger Target

In the first phase of the project, a 26,85-kilometer rail system line and 18 stations will be built. The metro line, which will pass through the Körfez, Derince and İzmit districts of Kocaeli, aims to carry 101 million passengers per year. The daily passenger capacity of the line, which is planned to open in 2028, is estimated to be 298.582.