On October 23, 2024, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) conducted air operations in northern Iraq and Syria against the PKK/KCK and other terrorist organizations. These operations were conducted within the framework of Turkey's legitimate defense rights based on Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The operations were carried out to eliminate terrorist attacks against our people and security forces and to ensure border security. In this operation, the TAF successfully destroyed a total of 32 targets belonging to terrorists, and the operations continue with determination.
The Importance of Local and National Ammunition
In these operations, maximum amount of domestic and national ammunition was used. Turkey's developments in the defense industry play an active role in the fight against terrorism. The use of domestically produced ammunition both increases the success rate of operations and strengthens our country's independence in the field of defense. In this context, many terrorists were neutralized and a serious blow was dealt to the logistics structure of terrorist organizations.
The Continuing Fight Against Terrorism
The Turkish Armed Forces, as in the past, continue to fight against terrorism for the survival and security of our country and nation. The TAF will continue its operations with determination and resolve until there is not a single terrorist left in the fight against terrorism. During this process, all measures are being taken to prevent harm to innocent civilians, friendly elements and historical and cultural assets. In addition, great importance is given to the protection of the environment.
This successful operation by the Turkish Armed Forces once again demonstrates Turkey's determination in the fight against terrorism. The Turkish Armed Forces will continue its cross-border operations for the security of our nation and will fight relentlessly against the threat of terrorism.