Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek visited Mayor Ahmet Öküzcüoğlu in his office within the scope of the Alaşehir district program. During the visit, the projects and investments planned to be made in the district in cooperation with Manisa Metropolitan Municipality and Alaşehir Municipality were discussed.
Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek had contacts in the market together with Alaşehir Mayor Ahmet Öküzcüoğlu. Mayor Zeyrek and Mayor Öküzcüoğlu, who were welcomed with great love from the tradesmen and citizens, wished good luck to the tradesmen they visited and greeted the citizens. Mayor Zeyrek and Mayor Öküzcüğoğlu exchanged ideas for the nursery project planned to be carried out by Manisa Metropolitan Municipality in the Martyr Onur Ramazan Bayram Recreation Area, and after the inspection, they visited the tradesmen in the marketplace and expressed their wishes for good work.

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek and Alaşehir Mayor Ahmet Öküzcüoğlu visited the Alaşehir Women's Enterprise Production and Business Cooperative after their visit to the tradesmen and citizens in the marketplace. Mayor Zeyrek, who was welcomed with flowers at the door by the Cooperative President Selen Öküzcüoğlu and the cooperative management, made inspections in the cooperative. Cooperative President Selen Öküzcüoğlu informed President Zeyrek about the cooperative activities and the products produced. Cooperative President Selen Öküzcüoğlu, who informed that the products produced were sold to Ankara, presented the basket containing the cooperative's products to President Zeyrek. Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek said, “Thank you for your efforts, Ahmet Öküzcüoğlu and Selen Öküzcüoğlu are leading the way in supporting our women in this field. Hopefully, supporting and pioneering these not only in Alaşehir but also in 17 districts is an issue that I want very much. We deliver these products not only to Ankara, but now to 14 district municipalities. One of my primary duties will be to convey this to all of them. Let us go with you, knock on your doors, and introduce our products. Let's hopefully increase the number of these cooperatives, provide employment to more women, and make it our priority to deliver these products to the people who will eat them. I promise to lead here. It's one of the activities I really want. My wife also wants to join you. "Let it be our promise to increase the number of our women's cooperatives," she said. Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek wished success and convenience to the cooperative members.