JAK Team Ensures the Safety of Ski Lovers in Hakkari

In Hakkari, where the ski season continues in the spring due to the long duration of the snow cover, the Gendarmerie Search and Rescue team working at the Merga Bütan Ski Center at an altitude of 2 meters provides safe skiing.

The ski resort at an altitude of 2 meters, which is one of the most popular facilities in the region with the investments made in recent years, contributes to the development of winter tourism in the city with thousands of local and foreign tourists it hosts every year.

The ski resort, which stands out with its crystal-structured snow-covered ski slopes of approximately 12 kilometers, 10 kilometers away from the city center, still hosts many local and foreign tourists despite the end of the winter season.

In the center, which is crowded with visitors especially on weekends, the JAK team of 9 people, including one woman, affiliated with the Provincial Gendarmerie Command, is ready 7 hours a day, 24 days a week, so that people can spend time and ski in a safe environment.

The JAK team, which has been trying to prevent any negative experiences for visitors at the ski resort since the day the season opened, comes to the aid of those who go off the slopes, get lost, get injured or get stuck on the chairlift while skiing with off-road vehicles, UTVs and snowmobiles.