Historical Step from Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality: The Number of Nurseries Reached 100!

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) announced that the number of nurseries, which was zero in the history of the institution, was increased by the Mayor. Ekrem İmamoğlu During the period, this number increased to 11, with 11 new nurseries opened in 100 different districts today. Their opening ceremony took place at Yenikapı Dr. The event organized for 11 nurseries at the Architect Kadir Topbaş Performance and Art Center had a carnival atmosphere. Children studying in IMM nurseries watched the event from the area designed as a playground for them. The children were welcomed with treats and clowns, and İmamoğlu and his wife Dr. entered the hall hand in hand. Dilek Kaya showed love to İmamoğlu. The İmamoğlu couple watched the event, which featured colorful images, among the nursery children. Children again took the first stage at the event. The little ones, who came on stage accompanied by their instructors, were excited with Şubadap Çocuk's songs called "Özgürlük" and "Neşeli Bir Gün".


İmamoğlu, who was invited to the microphone while the children were on stage, said the following in his speech among the children:

“The place where the children are is suddenly very enjoyable and very moral. Thinking about our children's future and doing something for them is perhaps the most sacred duty for a manager. I am very happy to be with our children, to be with their precious mothers, fathers and beloved teachers. I want to say it in the presence of our beloved children. Believe me, we have been working hard day and night for 5 years, especially in order not to embarrass these children, in front of their warm, pure hearts and minds. And, believe me, we are doing tremendous work with a completely clean and abundant budget, without any political calculations or interest groups being taken into consideration. I have many friends and companions who contributed in this sense. And among these tasks, what makes us proud and warms our hearts the most while managing this process is our Home Istanbul and the beautiful nurseries used by the children of our Home Istanbul, which make us very happy. “It has a special place.”

“I swear to God, I AM HAPPY”

“We are happy to include such a service in the agenda of the whole of Turkey, and even of some of the candidates, in a political process that is not on the agenda at all. Equalizing children and creating an environment where children can receive education equally and fairly is one of our most important duties. Because this principle is the principle of the Republic. We are doing what the Republic tells us. We equalize our children. Republic is the name of the regime that offers equal opportunities to every child living in these lands. Republic is the name of the regime in which administrators consider ensuring equality of opportunity in education as their most important duty. But unfortunately, in the 202-25 years before ours, there was a government that did not open even a single nursery in Istanbul. This administration, which has not opened a single nursery for all these years, now states that one of its most important promises is to open a nursery to the city, as if it were going to start from scratch. What am I doing to this? I swear to God, I am happy. "At least they were able to understand how mega a project such an important project is, how big a project it is."


“Because I think that each of the children who are with me now are successful children of the journey to become the future Mayor of Istanbul, a future scientist, or a very valuable educator in the future, individuals who do their profession best. Of course, if you miss all these and forget such an important issue while governing the state, you will be in a funny situation today. Of course, please remember that when we promised these nurseries in 2019, they underestimated them. They thought that Ekrem İmamoğlu and his friends will promise it and then forget it. Of course, we did no such thing. We are sincere. Like them, we don't forget 25 years and say -dowry, -caziz before the election today. We said; we did."


“As of March, more than 100 of our nurseries will be serving these unique children of our fellow citizens in Istanbul. Increasing the capacity to such a huge figure is very important for us, even in difficult times and difficult conditions. Istanbul children need nursery. Of course, the Metropolitan Municipality alone cannot solve the nursery needs of Istanbul's children. Of course, other institutions should also support this. How many nurseries do 14 Republican People's Party municipalities serve in Istanbul? How many nurseries do the remaining 25 municipalities serve? Even when you look at this, you will see the difference in understanding. In other words, although they have almost twice the number of municipalities, our district municipalities provide services in almost 6-7 times the number of nurseries on the other side. Do you know what this is? It's a matter of what you care about. We care about the children of this city and the future of this city. Therefore, we say this from here: My dear fellow citizens; Choose a management approach that values ​​your child, your life, your youth and your life. "Never give opportunity to those who care about or care about the quality of life of a handful of people, not your life."


“They underestimated us again. Remember; We said it was a nursery, they belittled it. There were none; We have more than 100 nurseries. We did not have a single dormitory bed for our children or young people. As of September, we are moving to 6000 beds. We currently have 5 young people in our dormitories. We said, 'We will distribute milk.' 'Where is it? They said, "You were going to distribute milk, we couldn't see it." Because we did not distribute it by showing it. We distributed millions of liters of milk to hundreds of thousands of children. We said, 'We will give scholarships.' They said, 'No, you cannot give it, you shouted 'The law prevents it'. This year, we allocated a budget of 200 million lira and gave scholarships to our young people. But just with him? We provide scholarships to 750 female students through the Istanbul Foundation. Just with him? We also provide support scholarships to more than 3000 thousand primary, secondary and high school students. Is it just him? Not. Unfortunately, in this period when the badly managed economy made people's lives difficult, we said, 'Let our mothers with their children up to the age of 100 live more peacefully in this city. We said, "We will give them a free 'Mother Card' while traveling with their children." We gave. And do you know how many? “4 thousand mothers have cards in their pockets.”

"For God's sake; While providing all these services, did we ask even one person about their party? Did we ask his opinion? Did we ask anything else? We don't ask. Our people are the same. Our people, our people, our mothers. These children, these children, they have mothers and fathers. May God grant those mothers the ability to see beautiful futures for these children. May he grant them happiness. But what about the children of this city or our children? So which one can we differentiate? There is no such thing. Someone may choose the children of some families, give a scholarship of 150-200-250 thousand dollars to a single person, send them abroad, to America, here and there, and then make them a member of parliament 5-10 years later. But God is the witness; We accept every child of the nation as our child. We distribute whatever opportunities the city has. I will tell this everywhere, without getting bored. He went to the podium and said... He said this by looking at us, he said this by looking at our nation. He said, 'You're going to give a Mother Card - I'm making an addition, you're going to distribute milk, you're going to build a nursery - whose money are you paying to whom?' And I gave such a clean answer that I said: 'I swear to God, I am giving the nation's money to the nation.' "We will continue to give the nation's money to the nation and the nation's children."


“The gap between children who do not receive pre-school education is widening. My child, whether in Bahçelievler, Sancaktepe, Bağcılar, Silivri, Tuzla or Beşiktaş, KadıköyIn… We will make all our children equal in order to equalize the children of this city. We will equalize education. We will equalize the opportunity. So another benefit. Our children come to nursery. In this environment you see, we did not just bring our young, female educators here as usual. Our nurseries have also turned into a women's employment center. Because, as you can see, we also have hundreds of brilliant young educators in our nurseries, who work here with their pure hearts and merits. It also has a benefit. It doesn't just end there. Our nurseries are also becoming centers where mothers and fathers are more conscious. Training is being done. Meetings are held. Those places become places of social morale for that neighborhood. It doesn't just end there. Our distinguished mothers, who leave their children in our nurseries, find jobs and work. Is it true? Benefit brings benefit in every matter.”


“In addition to nurseries, we opened Kent Restaurants, which made a lot of noise. Now, almost 10 thousand of our people, whether they are students, retired or unemployed, eat a 40-course meal for 3 lira every day. At the same time, each Kent Restaurant becomes an employment center for at least 12-13, sometimes 15, female employees. If women's labor increases in society, that society becomes richer. Otherwise, we will continue to struggle with poverty. We are people who know very well that the enrichment of society depends on the enrichment of women. This is how we increase women's place in employment. Today, we are in Sarıyer Maden, Sancaktepe Parliament, Avcılar Tahtakale, Kağıthane Gürsel, Ataşehir Barbaros, Silivri Gümüşyaka, Şile Kumbaba, Eyüpsultan Güzeltepe, Sultangazi Yunus Emre, Üsküdar Kısıklı We are opening our nurseries in Fatih Kariye. “Good luck.”


“Our nurseries are not ordinary nurseries. Each building is qualified, earthquake resistant and beautiful buildings that give the most aesthetic feelings to their surroundings, permanent buildings, buildings with high comfort inside. At the same time, God forbid, we will have valuable centers where we can breathe and be together in case of disaster. Therefore, you will see, this brother of yours, this fellow countryman of yours, the Uncle Ekrem of these children, the Brother Ekrem promises: Do you know what the most we will say is 'Full speed ahead'? We will say that we are full progress in building a nursery. We will walk very strongly on this issue. We will continue to offer new opportunities and new services to the families of the children of this city. You will see; We will be doing more next term. I will explain them to you one by one very soon. Then you will see once again; "Mothers and fathers will see once again that we will say 'Full speed ahead' and run for the future of Turkey, by adding the new things we will do to the children of this city, the education, health and happiness of the children of this city."


“The name of our race is not a political race, like others do. Our race has only one name. I swear to God, it is a race to serve the nation. In this regard, I personally claim that; There is no mayor in Turkey who can surpass me. Let someone else say, 'I will run more.' It has a place in my head. The best race is the service race. When you compete in service, you don't see anyone as a rival. But when you compete in politics, you see everyone as bad, you see everyone as a rival. Since I have a competitive character in service, I swear to God that I do not see anyone as a rival. I mean, I don't want to say 'I'm unrivaled', don't get me wrong. I don't see any rivals. Let's race in service, let's run in service. Let's talk nice. Let's compromise and agree for the benefit of our nation. In this respect, we will continue our way in the race for execution and investment. Our race is a race for justice and equality. Let me tell you the expression of the voice in my heart as I do this run, while I put my heart into it, while I work 7/24. Do you know why? It is also in the stories of many of my companions and citizens here. If I, who was born in a village with 40 households in the Republic of Turkey, can be the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality today... Of course, my mother and father have contributed greatly to me. But I know that the greatest effort for me was the effort of the Republic of Turkey founded by Atatürk. It is my greatest responsibility, my greatest debt, to serve the children of our Republic, our state, and the nation that created it, which brought me to this day. May God not embarrass me to you. "Do not embarrass these children."


Opening of 11 new nurseries in Istanbul; Our Home Istanbul students, İmamoğlu, CHP MPs Engin Altay, Zeynel Emre, PM members Mahir Yüksel, Berker Esen, Turgay Özcan and CHP's Eyüpsultan (Mithat Bülent Özmen), Fatih (Mahir Polat), Avcılar (Utku Caner Çaykara), Bakırköy ( It was put into service with the ribbon cut by the mayoral candidates of Ayşegül Özdemir Ovalıoğlu), Esenler (Hasan Dalkıran), Zeytinburnu (Onur Soytürk) and Kağıthane (Tonguç Çoban) and donor families.

Istanbul Children's Activity Centers, which currently continue to serve, provide services with a total capacity of 6276. In this context, the total capacity will reach 11 with the newly opened 7231 new Nursery Istanbul nurseries.