What is the Immune System? How to Strengthen Children's Immune System?

What is the Immune System? How to Strengthen Children's Immune System
What is the Immune System? How to Strengthen Children's Immune System

Liv Hospital Child Health and Diseases Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Emre Çenesiz talked about ways to strengthen the immune system.

What is the immune system?

Stating that the immune system is a defense system consisting of proteins, various tissues and organs, and that it tries to protect against microbes, Liv Hospital Child Health and Diseases Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Emre Çenesiz said, “When this system is not sufficient, we become sick. White blood cells (leukocytes) circulating in the blood detect microbes and initiate a series of operations to neutralize them. Our organs that produce white blood cells are thymus, spleen and bone marrow. White blood cells are also found in tiny glands called lymph nodes in the body. There are two types of white blood cells; One group neutralizes the microbes, while the others memorize the microbes that enter the body, develop soldiers (antibodies) against them, and kill the microbes in the next attack. When microbes enter the body, the body immediately begins to produce soldiers (antibodies) against them. The next time the same microbe tries to enter, the soldiers prevent the disease. For example, once you have chickenpox, you will not get it again because your body has now taken precautions. With this logic, vaccines protect your child. "With the vaccine, we give the body enough microbes that do not make it sick but stimulate the immune system, antibodies immediately form in the body and prevent the disease when it encounters the real disease." he said.

"Breast milk is the most important source of nutrition"

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Emre Çenesiz: "The most important nutrient source for the immune system is, of course, breast milk." He said and continued: "The protective factors contained in breast milk pass directly to the baby and lay the foundations of the individual's immunity that will protect him/her for life."

Asst. emphasized that it is in your hands to keep the immune system stronger. Assoc. Dr. Emre Çenesiz said:

”More fruits and vegetables: Have colorful vegetables on the table that have more vitamin C, carotene and antioxidants. Such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, peppers, carrots, pumpkins, oranges, apricots, tropical fruits... Less sugar and sweeteners: Scientific studies show that sugar-added foods negatively affect white blood cell function. Especially during periods of illness, it is necessary to stay away from sweeteners, all types of sugar, and packaged sweet foods bought from outside. It is better to use honey, molasses or natural fruit sugar instead. The most beneficial fatty acids are Omega-3 oils: This substance, found especially in oily fish circulating in cold waters, is a very valuable immune support. Omega fatty acids increase the activity of cells that eat bacteria. Eating oily fish 3 days a week or, if it is not available, local fresh fish and a capsule containing fish oil a few times a week is sufficient. Flaxseed oil is also a good source of Omega 3, although it is not as strong as fish oil. Adequate sleep: Studies show that sleeplessness in children, as in adults, reduces the power of germ-killing cells. Considering that young children do not sleep, especially after spending exciting hours with different activities in the nursery all day long, we understand that it is very necessary and important for them to go to bed early. Children at this age need 12-13 hours of sleep, and preschool children need 10 hours of sleep. Normal weight: Obesity negatively affects the immune system by slowing down the production of antibodies. Try to keep both your child's weight and immune system under control by keeping him active. Pay attention to personal cleanliness: Although it does not directly increase immunity, it can prevent the immune system from getting tired. Pay attention to washing hands with soap. Hands should be washed with soap after coming from school, before and after eating, after blowing the nose, and after using the toilet. If the toothbrushes are kept together, it is a good idea to immediately throw away the sick one's brush and buy a new one. Don't smoke near them: Children are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of smoking because they inhale more per minute. If you do not want to increase the risk of bronchitis, ear infection and asthma, do not allow your child to become a second-hand smoker.

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