Italy's First Hydrogen Train Will Be Exhibited at EXPO Ferroviaria

Italy's First Hydrogen Train Will Be Exhibited at EXPO Ferroviaria
Italy's First Hydrogen Train Will Be Exhibited at EXPO Ferroviaria

Less than a month before the opening of EXPO Ferroviaria 2023 at Rho Fiera Milano on October 3, the organizer, in collaboration with Trenord, announced the latest news of this edition: the Open Space of Fiorenza Trenord will host innovations. the latest generation of rolling stock.

On the Open Space rails, ALSTOM Ferroviaria and FNM will present the first hydrogen train for Italy. Designed and built for Ferrovie Nord Milano at the Alstom production facility in Italy, the train is based on the regional railway model of Coradia Stream. Alstom will also exhibit the Traxx DC3, the latest generation high-power electric locomotive that maximizes energy efficiency, reduces maintenance interventions and provides additional charging and traction capacity with less energy consumption. Also ELEN Eng. De Rossi will present the latest electric locomotive E-L0, an innovative green vehicle for the maintenance of railway lines.

EXPO Ferroviaria, the biannual International Railway Technology, Products and Systems Fair, will be held between 3 and 5 October 2023 at Rho Fiera Milano in hall 9, with over 270 participating companies, including important players in the national and international market. . The event offers the opportunity to discuss the latest trends and topics through a busy conference program and presentations from participants. For this edition, the trade fair also includes new areas dedicated to complementary products. Technologies with Aerospace Technology Center and Tunneling Area.

EXPO Ferroviaria is supported by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, ASSIFER – Italian Railway Industry Association, ANIAF – Italian Association of Railway Contractors, ASSTRA – Italian National Transport Association, CIFI – Italian Association of Railway Engineers, UNIFE – European Railway Supply Industry, TELT.