Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Caucasus Indoor Sports Hall, built by Keçiören Municipality, AK Party Ankara Deputy Orhan Yeğin, Keçiören Mayor Turgut Altınok, ABB Parliamentary Deputy Chairman Fatih Ünal, AK Party Keçiören District President Zafer Çoktan, MHP Keçiören District President Arif Aksu, political It was held with the participation of representatives of parties and non-governmental organizations.
In his speech to the participants, Keçiören Mayor Turgut Altınok said, “Our children, youth and ladies will do sports in our Caucasus Indoor Sports Hall. The basis of a healthy life is sports. We are also renovating the Bağlum Stadium with a cost of 27 million TL. We thank our President and Minister of Youth and Sports Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu for their support.” said.
Explaining the services rendered to the Bağlum region, where the Kafkas District is located, Altınok said, “We knit our city, stitch by stitch, with embroidery services. Last year, we built the roads of our Caucasian neighborhood like an airport. The money we paid for asphalt alone was 12 million 346 thousand TL last year. We also rebuilt our streets that do not have sidewalks or have bad sidewalks. We built our indoor market place. There was mud everywhere in our Karakaya Neighborhood. Now we have built roads like airports. We also had a free space, and we parked there. Our new generation marketplace Karşıyaka We opened it in our neighborhood. We also made the roads here sparkling. Karşıyaka We are building an indoor gym right in the middle of our neighborhoods of Hisar and Hisar. There were also 2 empty spaces in our Hisar Neighborhood, we built a park. We are constructing a huge 179-decare recreation area in Kösrelik. We hope to open it this year. We paid 30 million TL only for our expropriation work for this place. We opened the channels of the pond here. The water level has risen and we have made it suitable for water sports.”
Bringing the floods and floods that occurred in various parts of Ankara and Keçiören to the agenda, Altınok criticized the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and said:
“It is raining in Ankara, the situation is miserable. It rained two days ago. At that time, I entered the shopping center opposite our municipality. I left after 15 minutes. And I saw that everywhere was a lake, everywhere was a river, everywhere was the sea. Its flow rate is higher than Yeşilırmak, Kızılırmak, Sakarya and Belen. I said to my friends, 'You will buy a boat or a boat and you will visit Ankara thanks to Yavaş.' Last year, 5 of our citizens lost their lives in Ankara. We hold an opening ceremony every day, a groundbreaking ceremony every day. Keçiören Municipality's budget is not even one percent of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality's. But with a budget of one percent, we do more work and provide more services than the Metropolitan Municipality. Mansur Yavaş would also make the water price cheaper, he has talks. He was going to do 100 projects that would make Ankara fly. Couldn't make another one. He has done nothing to Keçiören or Ankara. Do you have a work in mind? No! Have you ever seen him in public? You'll only see his photo on social media. They also spend millions of dollars on social media. He left Ankara to be the vice president. The other day, they put up a banner that reads, 'Mr Yavaş, welcome to Ankara'. Ankara is no longer going with Yavaş. After slow, we need a fast man like an arrow. We are servants. We are on the streets every day, without saying Saturday, Sunday or holiday. We are honored and happy to be a servant to you.”
AK Party Ankara Deputy Orhan Yeğin also stated that they could not keep up with the works put into service by the Keçiören Municipality and that Mayor Altınok produced important works and services for the people of Keçiören. Yeğin also thanked the people of Keçiören for their support to President Erdoğan.
After the protocol speeches, a lucky citizen was given a bicycle and another a refrigerator was given as a gift with the drawing. Later, the concrete mixer was started and the foundations of the sports facility were laid.