The 120-Year-Old Kurucuova Mosque in Konya Beyşehir is Restored

The Annual Mosque in Konya Beyşehir is Restored
120-Year-Old Mosque in Konya Beyşehir is Restored

Protecting the historical values ​​of Konya, Konya Metropolitan Municipality is also restoring the 120-year-old mosque in Kurucuova District of Beyşehir district. Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Uğur İbrahim Altay said, “As the Metropolitan Municipality, we are working hard to preserve all the cultural and historical values ​​of our city and to revive them in accordance with their original form.”

Konya Metropolitan Municipality has started the restoration of the historical Kurucuova Mosque in Beyşehir district as part of its efforts to protect historical monuments throughout Konya.

Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Uğur İbrahim Altay stated that as the Metropolitan Municipality, they have carried out important works in terms of preserving historical values ​​and transferring them to the next generations.

Pointing out that Konya has unique values ​​in every corner with its thousands of years of history, Mayor Altay said, “Cities live with their cultures and rise with their cultures. As the Metropolitan Municipality, we are working hard to preserve all the cultural and historical values ​​of our city and to revive them in accordance with their originality. One of the many different restoration works we carry out in this context is our 120-year-old mosque in Kurucuova District of Beyşehir district. We have started restoration works in our century-old mosque in accordance with the original. We wish to complete the mosque as soon as possible and open it to worship again. May our restoration work, which costs 12 million, be beneficial for our district and our city.