Dental Care Before Pregnancy

Dental Care Before Pregnancy
Dental Care Before Pregnancy

Üsküdar Dental Hospital Periodontology Specialist Dr. Instructor Member Nihal Bahar drew attention to the gingival problems that may occur during pregnancy. Noting that swelling or redness of the gums can be seen in pregnant women due to the deterioration of hormonal balances, Periodontology Specialist Dr. Instructor Prof. Nihal Bahar said, “These swellings can include a general gingival swelling or a local tooth or a part of the gingiva. Gum swelling is not directly caused by pregnancy. If we do not take good care of our teeth as an underlying cause, and if oral hygiene was not done well before the pregnancy period, the pregnancy period may increase the deficiency of this oral hygiene even more. As a result, a more severe picture may emerge.” He emphasized the importance of oral and dental health.

Gingivitis has negative effects on pregnant women

Emphasizing that those who plan to have a child should definitely have oral and dental health care and examinations before the pregnancy period, Bahar said, “Gingivitis has different adverse effects on pregnant women such as premature birth, low birth weight, miscarriage, preeclampsia and lower genital area infection. demonstrated by studies.” used his statements.

Non-surgical treatments are safe in the second trimester.

Stating that the studies clearly show that non-surgical periodontal treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy is safe and does not cause an increase in unwanted pregnancy problems, Bahar said, “Many studies have shown that periodontal treatment provides a significant reduction in adverse pregnancy outcomes compared to other treatment methods.” he said.

Obstetrician's approval is important for treatment

Bahar emphasized that the patient should be consulted with the obstetrician for dental treatment during pregnancy and said, “It is important to consult the patient's obstetrician in order to perform non-surgical periodontal treatments such as dental scaling during pregnancy. Then, the special protocols applied to pregnant patients are fulfilled and the application is made. Surgical treatments are recommended to be left after pregnancy unless it is very urgent. made the statement.

Pregnancy does not directly cause any discomfort in the teeth and gums.

Saying that pregnancy will not cause any discomfort that does not directly exist in the teeth and gums, Periodontology Specialist Dr. Instructor Member Nihal Bahar concluded her words as follows:

“The hormonal balance shift can exacerbate an underlying inflammation or problem. For this reason, it is recommended that women who are planning a pregnancy should have dental care and if possible, do not delay their gingival specialist controls.