What Are the Factors Triggering Asthma? Ways to Avoid Asthma Attacks

What are the Factors that Trigger Asthma? Ways to Avoid Asthma Attacks
What are the Factors that Trigger Asthma? Ways to Avoid Asthma Attacks

Asthma, one of the most common non-communicable chronic respiratory diseases worldwide, affects approximately 300 million people worldwide. In asthma, in which genetic and environmental factors play a major role, the attacks that develop in response to various triggers negatively affect the quality of life.

Stating that attacks can be prevented by avoiding triggering factors and ensuring the proper use of drugs prescribed under the supervision of a doctor, Bayındır Health Group, one of the group companies of Türkiye İş Bankası, Chest Diseases Specialist of Bayındır İçerenköy Hospital, Dr. Muharrem Tokmak shared detailed information about asthma.

Asthma, which occurs as a result of inflammation of the muscles around the bronchi, can develop due to frequent infections or allergies. Stating that genetic and environmental factors play a major role in the formation of asthma, Bayındır İçerenköy Hospital Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. Muharrem Tokmak, “Family history is known as one of the most important factors in the development of asthma. If one of the parents is asthmatic, the risk of developing asthma in the child is 25 percent, while if both parents are asthmatic, the risk reaches 50 percent. Even without a family history of asthma, asthma can develop due to some genetic disorders. In addition, environmental factors such as allergies, obesity, exposure to air pollution, smoking also play a role in the development of asthma. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, congestion and tightness in the chest are known as the precursors of asthma. These symptoms are intermittent and usually worsen at night or during exercise. Complaints that occur at night, especially towards the morning, are the harbingers of asthma. For the diagnosis of asthma, all symptoms do not have to be seen at the same time. There may also be cases of asthma with only coughing," he said.

Patient history is of great importance when diagnosing asthma.

Stating that the patient's history is of great importance in the diagnosis of asthma, Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. Muharrem Tokmak said, “The person's complaints, family history and accompanying diseases are taken into consideration. In addition to the physical examination, some diagnostic tests need to be done. The most basic tests are known as pulmonary function tests and allergy tests. The emergence and increase of asthmatic complaints that progress suddenly in people with asthma cause an asthma attack. The degree of dyspnea, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and PEF and FEV1 values ​​reveal the severity of the attack. There is usually an external factor that plays a role in an asthma attack. Infection, allergen exposure, malignancy, inflammation, air pollution and similar conditions can cause an attack.

Asthma triggering factors

Saying that the triggers can vary from person to person, Dr. Dr. Muharrem Tokmak listed the factors that can lead to an asthma attack:

1. House dust mites,

2. Grass, tree,

3. Molds,

4. Animal hair such as cat, dog, bird,

5. Viral, bacterial infections,

6. Cigarette smoke, perfume, hairspray, some soaps,

7. Fog, air pollution,

8. Change of environment,

9. Heavy exercise

10. Psychological factors,

11.Rutubetli air,

12. Occupational factors,

Drugs in the treatment of asthma are divided into three

exp. Dr. Muharrem Tokmak said the following about the treatment of asthma; “Although there is no cure for asthma, it is of great importance to understand the effects of the biological, physical and psychosocial environment in order to control asthma. The aim of asthma treatment is to spend the day without complaints and to protect it from future risks associated with the disease. Therefore, education is the cornerstone of the treatment of asthmatic patients. In order to control asthma, the disease and its triggering factors need to be well known, and regular use of recommended medications is of great importance. In addition, medical check-ups should not be neglected. In the basic treatment of asthma, inhaled steroid drugs are usually used, sometimes they can be combined with bronchodilators (bronchodilators). In addition, intravenous or oral tablets can be applied. Whichever drug is preferred in the treatment, it is of great importance to take the drugs correctly in order to obtain an effective result. Asthma cannot be kept under control if medications are stopped, used irregularly, or taken in the wrong dosage. For this reason, the treatment must be planned under the supervision of a pulmonologist and a patient-physician cooperation must be established. In addition, the treatment in asthma may not be continuous, it may also be periodic. According to the GINA criteria, asthma treatment is started, treatment is finished or medication is adjusted.”

Smoking triggers asthma

Stating that even passive exposure of asthmatics to cigarettes increases the frequency of asthma attacks, Uzm. Dr. Muharrem Tokmak said, “Smoking should definitely be stopped. The risk of COPD is also much higher in smokers with asthma. In addition, smoking reduces the effectiveness of drugs used in the treatment of asthma. Babies of mothers who smoked or were passively exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy are at increased risk of developing asthma. In addition, as a result of children's exposure to cigarette smoke, lung development and respiratory functions are adversely affected, and the risk of developing asthma increases.

Ways to avoid asthma attacks

exp. Dr. Muharrem Tokmak ended his words by listing the ways to prevent asthma attacks:

1. Taking indoor environmental control measures

2. Not drying clothes inside the house

3. Prevention of active and passive smoking

4. Not having pets in the house in case of allergy to pet hair

5. Avoid using hair spray, deodorant, scented detergent & soap, perfume

6. Regularly ventilate the house

7. Not having items that can contain dust mites in the bedroom

8. Keeping the humidity low in the living place

9. Avoiding gardening

10. Frequent cleaning at home by wearing a mask

11. Cessation of the use of cotton and woolen articles

12. Not spending time outside unless necessary during periods of high pollen

13. Use of antiallergic drugs during the pollen season

14. Avoiding exercising in cold and dry weather as well as in dirty and foggy weather