The Blue Flag, the world's most distinguished tourism and environment award, will fly on 2023 different beaches in Kocaeli in the summer of 9. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, which started the "Bottom mud cleaning" project, which aims to make everyone living in Kocaeli swim in the sparkling seas and which will turn the Gulf of Izmit into a giant aquarium in this direction, is reaping the fruits of its investments. In this direction, the International Environmental Education Foundation, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, announced the 2023 Blue Flag awards. As a result of the works carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality, the jury committee awarded another beach in Kocaeli with the 'Blue Flag' award.
Accordingly, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality will also hang a 'Blue Flag' on Ereğli Kumyalı Beach with its environmentalist works. Karamürsel Altınkemer Beach, which was previously on the list in conformity examinations and whose blue flag was suspended due to sea spit in the Marmara Sea at the end of 2021, was awarded the 'Blue Flag' title again after the removal of the mucilage problem and the 'passing mark' in the examinations.
Blue of Kocaeli Bayraklı Kerpe, Cebeci, Kumcagiz, Bağırganlı, Kovanağzı, Seyrek and Miço Bay Women's Beaches, which are its other beaches, were once again crowned with the 'Blue Flag'. Thus, in the summer of 2023, the 'Blue Flag' will fly on 9 different beaches in Kocaeli.
The Blue Flag has criteria aimed at protecting the environment and protecting the health and safety of beach users. The Blue Flag is also the most widely known and used award program in the international arena and the tourism industry. The Blue Flag program, which is headquartered in Copenhagen in the international arena and carried out under the coordination of the Turkish Environmental Education Foundation (TÜRÇEV) in our country, has 33 separate criteria for beaches.