When to Read Surah Fatah on the First Night of Ramadan, What Is Its Virtue?

What is the Virtue of When to Read Surah Fatah on the First Night of Ramadan?
When to Read Surah Fatah on the First Night of Ramadan, What Is Its Virtue?

When to read Surah Fatah in Ramadan, when to read Surah Fatah on the first night of Ramadan? While the answer to his question is being questioned, the virtue of Surah Fatah on the first night of Ramadan is also being investigated. Surah of the Conquest", Hz. It is a surah that is accepted to have been revealed and recited in Medina about the conquest of Mecca during the return of Muhammad from the Treaty of Hudaybiyya. Hz. It is also known that Muhammad defined this surah as "a more valuable and beautiful surah than anything else". In addition, the name of the surah comes from the expression "fethan mubinen" in its verses, which also expresses a clear victory. The content of the surah also deals with issues such as the rise and spread of Islam, the sincerity of believers, and Allah's forgiveness and mercy. When is Surah Fatah recited on the first night of Ramadan? What is the virtue of reading Surah Fatah on the first night of Ramadan, when, where and why is it read in Ramadan?

What is the Virtue of Reading Surah Fatah on the First Night of Ramadan?

It is stated in hadîth-i-sherîfs:

“A person who recites the chapter of al-Fath will receive a reward like the one who pledged allegiance to me under the tree of Hudaybiyyah.”

“Whoever recites Surah Fatah in prayer on the first night of Ramadan, Allahu ta'ala will protect him all year.”

“Whoever reads the chapter of Fatah, it is as if he was with the Messenger of Allah in the conquest of Makkah.”

“Tonight a surah has been revealed to me, which is dearer to me than the world and all that is in it. This surah is "Inna fetahna".

Imam-i Sa'lebi said:

“Those who recite Surah Fath have their share of the rosary and dhikr of angels.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) says: "If a person recites the whole of Surah Al-Fatih on the first night of Ramadan and does this reading only for the sake of Allah, Allah Almighty will take him under his protection for one year until the same day of the next year."
One of the parents says: "If a person reads the chapter of Fatah 3 times in a row as soon as he sees the month of Ramadan for the first time, Allah Almighty will give his servant's sustenance abundantly until the same day next year."

What is Surah Fatah, What Does It Tell?

“Surah Fatah” is the 48th sura of the Quran. The surah consists of 29 verses and is thought to have been revealed during the Meccan period. The name of the surah comes from the word "conquest" in it, and it deals with issues related to victory and success in general. At the beginning of the surah, Hz. The event about Muhammad's conquest of Mecca is told and it is emphasized that this event should not be seen as a victory but as a mercy and forgiveness. Then, issues such as the spread of Islam, the solidarity of Muslims with each other, the attitude of deniers and hypocrites are discussed. At the end of the surah, it is stated that Muslims turn to Allah sincerely, that Allah will help them and give them victory. In addition, the theme of “Allah's forgiveness and mercy”, which is frequently mentioned in the surah, emphasizes the principles of mercy and forgiveness of the religion of Islam.

When to Read Surah Fatah?

As with all the other surahs in the Holy Quran, Surah Fatah can be read in any place and at any time, except in cases where it is deemed inappropriate to be read by Allah. But there are some days and certain times when it is more beneficial and more virtuous. Ramadan is one of these important times. It is stated in the hadiths that Allah will take a person under his protection by reciting Surah Fatah on all other days of Ramadan, especially on the first day of Ramadan. It is also a surah that should be recited on Friday, before the Friday prayer.

Tafsir of the Conquest

There are different evaluations about whether the conquest that gave the surah its name was the Treaty of Hudaybiyah or the conquest of Mecca. Considering that the word conquest is used in the sense of "to seize a land through war", commentators claimed that the conquest of Mecca was mentioned here. In addition to the sound narrations (Bukhari, "Tafsir", 48/1), the commentators based on the signs in this surah and which will be explained when appropriate, have rightly concluded that the peace of Hudaybiyah is described here. According to them, the word conquest can also be used for peace as it brings a solution and clears the blockage. Or, it can be thought that the "mursal metaphor" style, which is to talk about the cause and mean the result, is used. Because the developments caused by the peace of Hudaybiye brought more than one conquest: 1. After this treaty, Khaybar was conquered. 2. Since the possibility of war with the Makkan polytheists was temporarily removed, the people of the two sides came and went to each other, they met, exchanged information about Islam, and many polytheists converted and became honored with Islam. 3. Two years later, the believers, who marched on Mecca with an army of ten thousand, easily conquered this place. 4. The polytheists, who previously did not accept Muslims as interlocutors and sought a solution in war, recognized the other side for the first time in this treaty, demanded security from them, and agreed that Muslims should come and perform the Umrah prayer that they wanted to do that year (Kurtubi, XVI, 250 v. Hudaybiye and Hudaybiye). For summary information, see Baccarat 2/194).

The benefits of this conquest and its consequences are briefly explained in the first three verses. As indicated in the 12th verse, embarking on this expedition meant challenging the Meccan polytheists in a sense, and this was also a matter of courage. That's why the hypocrites said, "These are done, the polytheists will destroy them all." However, our Master the Prophet, who regarded the dream mentioned in verse 27 as a sign and a command, took the risk of this grueling and dangerous expedition with about 1500 faithful companions, taking into account its various benefits. There were unforeseen developments; The Companions were put to the test of patience, courage, devotion and self-sacrifice. While and after all this happened, the following blessings of Allah manifested: 1. Hz. The Prophet received a compliment that was not bestowed on any member of the ummah except himself, and it was declared by his Lord that his "past and future sins were forgiven". In fact, like all prophets, Hz. The Prophet also has the feature of ismet (protected from committing sins by Allah), so he is sinless anyway. In that case, the sin of our Prophet, which is declared to be forgiven, is not a sin that he actually committed or will commit, but the potential of committing sins in him due to his being human. The attribute of ismet is a divine protection and mercy that prevents this potential possibility of sinning in the prophets from being actualized; The forgiveness in the verse is in this sense. According to a different interpretation in the commentary of the previous surah (Muhammad 47/19), with this treaty, the people of Makkah were guilty (for the meaning of the word zanb, see Shuara 26/14) and sentenced to death. At the end of this treaty, the Prophet became a party to the peace and security treaty, thus the provision of guilt by the polytheists was abolished. 2. The religion of Islam, which is the greatest blessing and the straight path, was completed in a peaceful environment and had the opportunity to spread. 3. The great help of Allah was seen on the journey, in the peace negotiations and on the way back.

Since the prophets set an example for their ummah, Allah protected them from committing sins. Despite this, our Master, the Prophet, by performing supererogatory prayers day and night and especially by praying a lot, not only set an example for his nation in this regard, but also showed that worship is not done out of the hope of Paradise or the fear of Hell, but because Allah deserves it, and because of this, the servant finds spiritual life and peace. As a matter of fact, when he was asked why he prayed so many times, reminding him that his sins were forgiven in advance, he replied: "So that I can be a servant who gives thanks to Allah as much as I can" (Bukhari, "Tafsir", 48/2; extensive information on the sinlessness of the prophets (ismet). for, see Mehmet Bulut, “Ismet”, DIA, XXIII, 134-136).

In the 4th verse, Allah's moral support is mentioned to the believers in their extraordinary distress, followed by His soldiers. It seems that the purpose of these soldiers is the angels who are with the believers and convey the divine help to them. Accordingly, the soldiers mentioned in the 7th verse must be angels who carry out divine punishment.