Istanbul's Dams Sound an Alert: Restriction May Be Placed on Mains Water

Istanbul's Dams Give Alarm, Restriction May Be Placed on Mains Water
Istanbul's Dams Give Alarm, Restriction May Be Placed on Mains Water

Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (İSKİ) announced that on January 30, 2023, the occupancy rate in the dams decreased to 10 percent, the lowest level of the last 28,92 years.

While the occupancy rate of the dams was 20 percent on March 2013, 87,16, this rate was recorded as 20 percent on March 2023, 36,63.

İSKİ Deputy General Manager Bülent Solmaz spoke to Ferhat Yaşar from the newspaper Wall and said, “Due to the lack of precipitation this year, we do not have a general water cut plan. As the administration, the use of network water will be restricted, except for domestic use. For example; Mains water will not be used in green field irrigation, and restrictions will be imposed on the use of vehicle stations or businesses that consume too much water.

'Low rainfall forces us to supply water'

Solmaz said: “Istanbul's drinking water is an integrated system. For this reason, while the level of some dams drops excessively does not affect our general system, the fact that there is much less precipitation in our European Region this year forces us in terms of water supply, and we are trying to solve this deficit with much more water transfer from the Asian Side.”